5G is the fifth generation network in mobiles. It started with an intention to deliver higher multi – Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, large network capacity, increased availability and a uniform user.

It began deploying worldwide in 2019. It was successor to the 4G networks which are the connectivity provided for most current mobiles.

Just like its predecessors, 5G networks are also cellular, and the service area is divided into small geographical areas called cells. All 5g wireless devices in a cell are connected to Internet and telephone network in the form of radio waves through a local antenna in cells.

5G uses a system of cell site that divide their territory into sectors and send encoded data through radio waves. Every cell site must be connected to a network backbone which can be wired or wireless backhaul connection.

The biggest advantage of 5G is the presence of greater bandwidth which give higher download speeds eventually up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbits/s)

The increased bandwidth will not just serve cell phones like existing cellular networks but it can also be used as general internet source for laptops, desktop computers, competing with existing ISPs such as cable internet, and also will make new applications in Io T and M2M areas possible.

The increased speed is achieved partly by using higher-frequency radio waves than current cellular networks. But higher frequency waves have a shorter range than frequencies used by cell towers. So in order to ensure a wide reach of service, 5G uses operates on up to three frequency bands which are, low, medium and high.

5G is composed of 3 different types of cells where each requires different antennas, each type giving a different trade off of download speed vs distance and service area. The 5G phones and devices connect to the network through antenna that has highest speed within range of their location.

South Korea, China, and the United States are the countries that are leading the world in building and deploying 5G technology. Telecommunications operators around the world including AT&T Inc., KT Corp, and China Mobile, have been racing to build the fifth-generation (5G) of wireless technology.

2020 has been set as the target by the Central Government of India for the commercial launch of 5g wireless technology. A three – year program in March 2018 was launched by the government to promote research in 5G. Also, Ericsson has created a 5G test base at IIT Delhi for developing applications that are tailor-made for the Indian scenario.

Some of the benefits of 5G wireless technology are:

  • 5G will lead to acceptance of virtual reality or augmented reality or any such new technologies common. It will also advance our smartphones better with more uniform data rates , lower latency and cost –per- bit.
  • 5G will have the convenience of ultra-reliable, low latency links that will lead industries to invest in more projects which require remote control of critical infrastructure in various fields like medicine, aviation, etc.

The economic impact of 5G wireless technology will be huge and vivid. Technology is known for its effects on various domains of the world where the largest impact falls on the economy of the world. Like all other technologies, 5G will also have an impact on economy that cannot be ignored.

This impact is much greater than previous network generations. The development requirements of the new 5G network are also expanding beyond the traditional mobile networking players to industries such as the automotive industry.

 In a landmark study that was conducted on the 5G Economy by Qualcomm, it emerged that the full economic effect of 5G Wireless Technology would appear around 2035 in a broad range of industries which would produce up to 12.3 dollars trillion worth of goods and services that were directly enabled by 5G. It also emerged that the 5G Wireless Technology could potentially generate up to 3.5 dollars trillion in revenue in 2035 and also directly support up to 22million jobs. Also surprising is the fact that over time, the total contribution of 5G to the Global GDP growth could be as much as the contribution of India.

With every new generation of data network, there are always advantages and disadvantages to discuss. The question is how the network intends on capitalizing on its advantages while shielding its users from its deficiencies that will ultimately determine its success.


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