Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to any online marketing efforts or assets. Digital marketing is like any other type of marketing—it’s a way to connect with and influence your potential customers. The major difference is, you connect with and influence those customers online. There are also a range of social media management tools that help businesses to get the most out of the social media platforms.
Since everyone from kids to adults are always stuck on their mobile phones using one or the other social media platform, digital marketing has bloomed over the years.
The types of digital marketing include:
• Search Engine Optimization: Search engines such as Google and Bing use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting them in an index.
Next, algorithms analyse pages in the index, taking into account hundreds of ranking factors or signals, to determine the order pages should appear in the search results for a given query.

• Pay-per-Click: This has become quite a trend in recent times. Pay-per-click is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher(usually google or any site in which their ad is displayed) when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines.

• Social Media Marketing: This refers to roping in influencers on Instagram to advertising products on YouTube ads. This includes everything a business does via social media channels.

• Content Marketing: Content marketing uses storytelling and information sharing to increase brand awareness. Usually, people blog about their experiences about a particular product and create awareness about it. This way they generate buzz about the product and also assure reliability about the product.

• Email Marketing: This is an age-old digital marketing technique and has been around sine emails were invented. Even with the emergence of social media, mobile applications and other channels, email is still one of the most effective marketing techniques since we will be sending updates, alerts to customers already registered on our website.

• Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as when a customer walks into a store or enters an event.

• Marketing Analytics: One of the major advantages of digital marketing is that it is highly trackable and measurable. You can use analytics tool to check the reach of our advertisement.
Once, the only trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers, wherein they would understand if a customer used that coupon or not by checking the status of the coupon.
Today, analytics allow marketers to track user behaviour at a highly detailed level: how many times they click on a link, how much time they spend on a web page, how often they open emails, and much more. But the vast amount of information available about digital marketing performance can feel like drinking from a fire hose, and marketers must be able to truly understand what the data mean and how they should inform strategy.

Advertising changes after technology:

Initially advertising was carried out via cheesy infomercials on radio, fuzzy old televisions, and billboards.

In 1993, the first clickable banner went live, after which HotWired purchased a few banner ads for their advertising.

The digital marketing world saw its first sharp surge in 2006 when search engine traffic was said to have grown to about 6.4 billion in a single month. Not one to get left behind, Microsoft put MSN on the backburner and launched Live Search to compete with Google and Yahoo.

Google began to expand, introducing such products as AdWords, which are 3 line ads that show up at the top or to the right of search engine results, and AdSense -which is a cost-per-click advertising scheme.

In time, Google realized the value of analyzing the content they received and then target ads based on the interests of the users, and thus became a major player in the world of business.

The cookie was another important milestone in the digital marketing industry. Advertisers had begun to look for other ways to capitalize on the fledgling technology.

Marketing technologies:

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
It is a common component of many tools today, enabling marketers to streamline processes, analyze data, and optimize campaigns. This has spawned the term ‘AI marketing.

Low code:
This is a practice that encourages marketers to learn enough about coding systems that they can fully maximize use of their tools. This relies on applications or platforms that provide for the use of visual modelling rather than written code. Drag-and-drop page builders fall under this category.

Conversion Optimization Tools:
Conversion optimization tools enable you to dig deeply into visitors’ data and refine all aspects of your business. For this, you’ll need adequate analytical skills to ensure you’re testing exactly what you need to and so you don’t form incorrect conclusions from your tests.

Analytics Reports: This helps marketers understand the visitors needs, track and analyse our campaigns. Research says that 40% of marketers regularly need to analyze data and consider analytical skills.

Analytics is used to interpret the data and use it to implement targeted ads across websites, ecommerce sales are monitored, and even the performance of your email campaigns can be boiled down to a set of numbers.

Various analytics tools:

• Google Analytics
• Email sender analytics
• Social media.

Products marketed digitally are now available to customers at all times. Statistics collected by the Marketingtechblog for 2014 show that posting on social media is the top online activity in the US.
Nothing these days is possible without technology, be it making a phone call, analysing data to formulate strategies for our company or even hiring candidates for a job. Technology has become a omnipresent force and dictates the way things function. The mantra these days is to keep learning and keep improving and be the next change.

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