Rise and fall of Tech Gaint

By: Sanjana katoch,Subhajit Sikder

“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish” The line which
relish us with the essence to achieve something unique. Apple a name which cannot be forgotten even it is known as a tech giant of the world. The name might sound easier to pronounce but there were certain hurdles which this company faced. Rising falling and again rising is the reason which sets it apart from the rest of the world.

Founded in the year 1976 by energetic and enthusiastic youth Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne. To the surprise this company was started in Job’s garage and one thing to be noted that a half cut Apple logo was designed by Wayne. With full pomp and splendor Wozniak the wizard of engineering designed Apple -1. But as we say that all the glitters is not gold and hence the first product of Apple failed tremendously. Apple 1 did not do well because it mainly focused on hobbyists and that is why it was a huge break down. Dilapidated by the failure of the product Wayne left the company with a check of dollar 800.

But as it is said that trying again and again is a real possession. Job the mastermind tried with full energy to convince investor Mark Markulla. Mark was greatly impressed by Jobs that he invested dollar 250,000 into the company. So now the garage company was officially known as Apple Computer Inc. The two apple founders didn’t lose hope in these adversities and came with a new product that is Apple-2. Due to the visual calculator and new designs made it as one of the most selling products of Apple. In 1977 Apple got its first office and in 1980 it’s share skyrocketed. Apple was now set off to be as one of the fastest growing compony and was even listed in Forbes.

But this pursuit of happiness didn’t last for long because the next product of APPLE had to face humongous loss. LISA which was designed using Graphic User Interface was technically on key power but the prices of this product were overrated. Due to the goofing price of $10,000 which could only be afforded by a few and due to this reason, it didn’t do well in the market.

But as we know that Job never had a ‘give up’ attitude. He worked day and night, burned the midnight oil to design a new computer. It was named as Mackintosh. The only computer which revolutionized technical industry. Having features as same as Lissa and prices like Apple 2, made it an ideal operating system for the commoners. The launch of Mackintosh made the company to reach the greater heights. Apple now became the home company not only in America but also in the world.

Fall of Apple and Again Rise

Calling Scully was the major mistake of Jobs. Due to Scully the internal conflicts got heated and Job was stepped down from the board of Directors and even from the post of Chief Executive Officer. Imagine the situation and catalogue of thoughts happening in the mind of Jobs. He nurtured the company with his heart as well as soul and now he was thrown out of the position.

Scully continued to hold the regime of Apple but the company shared got down to dollar 6 . Macs and Message Pads launched, were also not able to do well in the market. He was set in motion to bring new products in the market but that were not satisfying the needs of customer. Even the rate of the product was quite high which resulted the company market value to degrade day by day.

Jobs on the other sider after being fired from his own company started PIXAR and Next. His brand-new company did exceptionally well that at the end Apple bought Next and the position of CEO was given back to Jobs. Now the command of future of Apple was in the hands of Jobs. Many products were launched by Apple but the company achieved vigorous height from iPod. The advertisement of iPod “Thousand songs in your pocket” caught the eyes of many. This product played a role in increasing company’s share and made its mark in the world. But as we know the other name of Apple is innovation. So let us dive into the innovative ideas of Apple.

Do u know who launched first touch pad phone? It was none other than Apple. The visionary Jobs thought to use thumb as a mouse and this innovative idea brought the great revolution in mobile industry. Now u can witness how this smartphone became part and parcel of our life. Apple didn’t stop here it continued to launch smart TV, smart watches, tablets and MacBook. All this was welcomed well and enjoyed by the customers.

Apple could not reach the zenith of success without the hard work of team, leadership of visionary Steve Jobs and due to his strong belief system, that Apple needs to be the eminent company. To end this roller coaster journey of Apple I would like to tell a small story of Steve Jobs. The story which could inspire people and make them believe that one needs a clear vision in order to make once business successful.

So the story goes like this during the designing of iPhone Job wanted one of thinnest and slickest phone. But his workers told that they can’t reduce the size. So, in this situation what one can do? May be leave or launch the product. But Job was different he threw the phone in aquarium and told ” The air bubbles are coming out of the phone which means there is enough space and the phone prototype will only be accepted once the bubbles are stopped”. You might call him crazy but he was the father of a revolutionary technology and a person who made Apple’s share reach from $6 to $189 million.

At last, to end the Rise of Giants the quote from Apple Think Different campaign 2007
Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently, they are not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

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