Analysis of YouTube ads in digital marketing to reach mass audiences in FMCG industry

By: lakshmi vaishnavi

Technology is present everywhere and making use of this for marketing is very common. However, in recent times there has been a slow yet gradual shift in the technology used for advertising – it has slowly moved to social media.
Social media have become an important part of our everyday lives and companies are using this to connect with their target audience and make an impression.
The company has to formulate effective strategies for developing and communicating the product. Advertising is one of effective strategies for communicating the product to the customers. This simplicities the company to provide its customers information about the product.
With the rise of digital platforms, effectiveness of advertisements has become an important area of study for marketers to determine the most efficient and appropriate medium of communication to place their advertisements.
Communication has not changed over the years, people still select the channels that they feel better satisfy their needs; therefore, it is crucial for companies to not only identify those needs but also to comprehend what cues the advertisement should provide in order for it to be effective.
In a social media site such as YouTube, the most important factors are presented and this helps individuals to better comprehend the message.
Understanding these factors is helpful for companies to determine where their advertisement investments will be most profitable, and where the message will be better received and understood.
Various factor analysis are done to understand how every variable and how every little factor affects customer’s perspective or consumer’s buying power.
The cues (music, physical appearance of the actors, body movements, and narration) were considered important to relate to an advertisement on YouTube. So depending on the location, race/ethnicity, education level and other such factors the advertisement’s will have to be formulated.
These are few of the factors that will have to be considered before making a decision on what theme the ads should be based on how to approach our target audience.

Understand how an Ad is doing.
When you launch a Youtube campaign, the thing you want the most is views. But there are other factors that we will be looking at like:
1 Awareness KPIs: views, impressions, unique users
2 Consideration KPIs: view-through rate, watch time
3 Action KPIs: clicks, calls, sign-ups, sales
To optimise the effectiveness of your video campaign, we will need to know what are the most important viewer actions to measure, and why.
This will help us understand how well our ads are doing and is our target being achieved.

Key metrics for your Youtube campaigns include:

  1. Core performance

View rate
Avg. Cost-per-view

  1. Click performance

Click-through rate (CTR)

  1. Engagement performance
    Engagement rate
  2. Reach and frequency

Unique cookies
Unique viewers by cookie
Avg. impr. freq. per cookie
Avg. view freq. per cookie

  1. Video viewership

Video played to: 25% shows how often a video is played to 25% of its length.
Video played to: 50% shows how often a video is played until the middle of its view length.
Video played to: 75% shows how often a video is played to 75% of its length.
Video played to: 100% shows how often a video is played to its completion.

  1. YouTube engagement

Earned actions happen when a viewer watches a video ad and then takes a related action on YouTube. Following are the types of earned actions Google measures:

• Earned views
• Earned subscribes
• Earned playlist additions
• Earned likes
• Earned shares

These above factors are the main factors we will have to consider which looking at how our YouTube ads are doing. Considering these factors and ensuring they are doing well, will help us reach maximum potential.
For proper analysis of our advertisement’s, we can use Google Analytics to help us understand the Ad performance.
Google Analytics can be used to measure increase in site visits due to organic and paid searches related to your brand name(s), as well as direct traffic.
We can also see the keywords people used to find your site, which you can then compare against any phrases or branded terms you used in your video promotions and try to increase those.
This way we can ensure our Ad’s reach increases and so do our Sales. This is a perfect mix of technology in Marketing.
Nothing these days is possible without technology, be it making a phone call, analysing data to formulate strategies for our company or even hiring candidates for a job. Technology has become a omnipresent force and dictates the way things function. The mantra these days is to keep learning and keep improving and be the next change

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