By:Pragya Mishra & Lakshmi Vaishnavi.

Ever heard of augmented reality? That’s the new fad in the market these
Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology. It is a growing trend among companies involved in mobile computing and business applications in particular.
In fact gaming companies, online shopping websites are also looking to
expand into AR to increase customer satisfaction.
AR can be used for online shopping websites, where customers can virtually
try the dresses or products they wish to buy and check how it looks on
them. Later if they like it, they can purchase it.
This not only increases customer satisfaction but also decreases reverse
logistics for the company , thus increasing profits.

In gaming websites, the players can choose the setting they wanna play in
and experience it virtually.
There are three types of AR:
1)Marker based AR
2)Location based AR
3)Markerless AR

1)Marker based ARs

A Marker based AR works by identifying Markers than are distinct patterns
easily recognized by a camera. A marker activates the AR in this case which
can be a text , picture , video animation or anything that can be visualised.
It creates a real time experience for user that is marker driven.
Location-based ARs
Location based ARs enable tieing augmentation to real time environment
surrounding the user. It works by reading data from a device’s camera,
GPS, digital compass, and accelerometer while simultaneously predicting
user’s focus area that acts as a trigger for pairing the dynamic location
points to points of interest. The virtual information is mapped on specific
locations and are only displayed when there is a trigger from the user.

2) Markerless ARs

Markerless AR places virtual 3D objects in the physical environment
depending on the environment’s real features rather than identifying
markers. This differentiation eliminates the need for object tracking
systems. Markerless AR experiences are possible because of advancements
in cameras, sensors, processors, and algorithms capable of accurately
detecting and mapping the real-world.
Although many impactful applications and unique use-cases remain yet
undiscovered, here are some real world applications that have immensely
raised user experience and user satisfaction to an all new level.

IKEA PLACE APP(Home renovation helper)

The app has been built using Apple’s ARKit technology. It scans your room
and designs the space by placing Ikea objects in the digital image of your
room to create a new environment with the new products. The Dulux
Visualiser helps you try out a shade of paint for your room before you buy.
Just use your smartphone camera to scan your room and virtually paint it
with any color of the rainbow.

Sephora Virtual Artist and Rolex(AR in cosmetic industry)

Cosmetic company Sephora uses AR technology to allow customers to try
out different looks and eye, lips and cheek products as well as colors right
on their own digital face. This is a powerful way to boost sales and to give
customers a fun way to try out new looks. Another company that uses augmented reality to inspire purchases is Rolex. The company has
developed a virtual try it on session where prospective customers can try
out different styles and models.

Accuvein (AR in healthcare)

Accuvein is a handheld device that can scan the vein network of a patient
that leads to a 45% reduction in escalations. Surgeons can plan procedures
before making the first cut, models can be made of tumors, and AR
diagnostic tools can model disease conditions.

AR Gaming software

AR Gaming software is probably the most common type of App. These apps
create mesmeric gaming experiences that use your actual surroundings.
Examples: Pokémon Go, Parallel Kingdom, Temple Treasure Hunt,
Real Strike, Zombie Go, etc.
AR apps act as a magic window for the viewers that lets them see the
holograms and manipulate 3D models. Augmented Reality is a technology
that has changed the face of smartphone apps and gaming. AR adds digital
images and data to amplify views of the real world, giving users more
information about their environments. This step is beyond virtual reality,
which attempts to simulate reality. AR apps are growing at a tremendous
speed as they give businesses a different edge which attracts the customers.
Augmented reality is the future, and there can’t be a better time to start
working in AR.

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