Rise of Digital Marketing during Covid-19-Prachurya & Vishakh

With the dreadful pandemic, social distancing is slowly becoming a part of a global culture. Switching to online platforms for a mole to a hill has become the need of the hour. Now the competition to dominate the digital space is much fierce. Brands would need to invest much more in hiring the best digital marketing workforce to maintain an upper hand in the online space which definitely hiked its demand. In the words of Albert Einstein, “In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” Starting a career in digital marketing is one such opportunity during this COVID 19 Pandemic.
Owing to the ongoing pandemic, many of us have had our lives disrupted especially those with small and large-scale businesses or firms. The game of digital marketing in India began in 2000/2002. In the stigma of the invisible enemy, we have undergone more digital marketing than we have done in past 20 years. Since January 2020, the world has seen the Covid-19 unfold, and since then everyone has been cooped up in their houses. Things started heating up with the eCommerce boom in the country and a lot of job opportunities aroused from internet-based start-ups.

A bloom in content marketing and social media marketing took place around some
2007/2008 which served as a boost to communication specialists and social media addicts to ponder over the business side of social media marketing. This is when the dynamism of the industry started to change. In India, Internet was highly posh up till 2014 which didn’t spread its outreach to rural areas. Jio then introduced free internet in 2015. This escalated the innovations from Government sectors to Service sectors, from larger enterprises to smaller ones.

Digital Transformation has been the most pragmatic approach by the business owners especially by the owners working the conventional industry. But now the scenario has taken 180º turn. Those who did not invest in digital marketing have witness immeasurable loss in terms of revenue. Their ventures have become stagnant and uncompetitive. Automation, Robotics, Manufacturing and many more have been the building blocks plunging into the marketing.

The internet consumption level has increased drastically since March 2020. This means that more and more people have been active online and that more and more business have been flourishing as well as opening online. Importance of maintaining a brand presence: As rightly said by Zig Zaglar “You don’t build business; you build people and they build business”. Instead of just promoting the brand, they should also focus on building the goodwill of the people. Rise in the number of online stores: Companies were able to deliver services as per the latest guidelines.

Due to the budget cost of the companies, this proved to be an effective way of image-building. Digital Marketing Network: There is a spike in the number of inquiries of the service. Due to the change in the lifestyle, online production and sales have been in the dominance than offline ones. The global pandemic has created a new digital-first consumer to reach and new business imperatives to meet. It’s time to adapt, accelerate, transform and to ramp up for recovery. Recapture, revenue and reinforce relationships. In the current scenario, the spotlight has shifted on experiential marketing as an attempt to feed the need for customer-curated experiences. The impact of experiential marketing can last longer for almost any brand or industry due to immersing consumers in live experiences whether it is through a website, webinar, or landing page.

But on the other hand, in 60% of multinational companies, no employees were dismissed from their positions, 64% started working remotely, 63% of companies opted for diverting SEO budgets to PPC, 46% of businesses lost essential customers for the last several months, while 12% claimed they enjoyed a surge in new ones. Anti-crisis plans were developed and brought to life by 19% of companies.

Digital marketing jobs shall be on the rise post-COVID 19 as most brands would heavily depend on digital presence for growth. With Artificial Intelligence, Programmatic promotion, Chatbots, Personalization and conversational advertising, Micro-minutes, the advanced business proceeds onward consistently. By 2023, the quantity of dynamic Indian web clients will arrive at right around 666 million. In view of the report of Global Data, the Indian online business market is pushing to 7 trillion rupees by 2023 as a result of lockdowns.
Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart. Content is the atomic particle of all Digital Marketing. It is beyond just likes and comments. SEO isn’t about finding customers; it’s about creating customers. Business without digital marketing is like fish without water.

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