How China uses military exercise to train athletes for the Olympics?

By: Vignesh & Ritocheta

During the recently conducted Tokyo Olympics China ranked overall second in terms of gold medals and total count. While China has been one of the top performers for quite some time now, their performance this time was phenomenal and further probing shows them using some interesting methods to improve their performance..

China’s Olympic Rise and strategy

China’s rise in the Olympics is still one of the astonishing moments in Olympic history. Unlike India, China didn’t participate in the Olympics until 1984. Even though China gave its debut in that year they stunned the world by winning 32 medals out of which 15 were gold. The main reason for their success was the induction of sports like table tennis, badminton, judo, and various other games mainly popular in east Asia.

Secondly, China was not a wealthy nation as it is today. In the 70s and 80s, it was one of the poorest places on earth ravaged by famines and unemployment and was nicknamed ‘the sick man of Asia’ by the west. Hence, winning in the Olympics became more of a political statement than just a game for them and China did almost everything possible to win gold in the Olympics.

They started their training from a very young age, invested a lot in funding the sports and instilled the feeling of nationalism in the minds of the Chinese. Most importantly, they used technology to boost their performance which made all the difference.

China’s tech help

The early 2000s were a period of technological boom for the world. Since the Chinese adopted technology into their system they benefited a lot from it. During this time they used the internet as a means to learn how the west trained their athletes and copied all their techniques. They also upgraded their tech and how it was applied to further uplift their performance.

But, these were things that every country serious about winning medals did.This year however, China made the headlines because they did something that the world did not expect. Historically China is not a country that dominates in diving and gymnastics. So in order to improve themselves they used aerospace technology.

Using that military technology for athletes was an out-of-the-world strategy. To help the swimmers refine their technique, they used the same technology that is used to enhance the design of military aircrafts for the similar purpose of reducing air drag. The scientists made a miniature version of this technology so as to suit the swimmers and they were made to sit in a wind tunnel and simulated swimming against the wind while the scientists extracted the exact details on areas of improvement. Similar wind tunnels were also made to help athletes in rowing and gymnastics.

These techniques however, are not well accepted by the West and other countries and often criticized for being inhumane practices to win. They call the use of technology ‘technological doping’. In the past, China had a bad track record of doping which has already ruined their image on the international platforms. But this time China is not worried since they see technology as an aiding factor that the west envies considering they neither use any of these techniques nor are they planning to do so in near future.

What can India learn?

The biggest issue that was raised after the Tokyo Olympic is the fact that most Indians are presently so focused on academics that sports take a backseat in most of their lives. Unless a child is exceptionally good in sports parents have a tendency to push them towards the general academic stream instead of honing the skill of the sportsmen as the former is a safer career option considering the highs in sports are incredibly high and lows are heart-breaking . This results in only a few people finally getting into the sports field as an adult and the ones who might have reached high levels of success in due time with practice never get the opportunity to do so.

India’s military is the world’s fourth strongest and the main reason behind this is their intensive training and discipline. Without even the direct application of technology as done in China, usage of some of the military training techniques while training athletes will lead to increase of their endurance and technique and uplift their performance in tournaments while the strict routine and discipline of military life will also make them more focused, diligent and determined to do better. The military is one of our biggest assets and using their lifestyle and training techniques will go a long way in boosting India’s performance in the Olympics.

As seen, the usage of technology has led to China now becoming the Olympic powerhouse and even though people are against the idea as it undermines the natural talent of the athlete, one cannot deny that it can improve a person’s technique. And implementing similar techniques in an optimal manner will help India achieve great heights in sports in the long run.

Rise of Digital Marketing during Covid-19-Prachurya & Vishakh

With the dreadful pandemic, social distancing is slowly becoming a part of a global culture. Switching to online platforms for a mole to a hill has become the need of the hour. Now the competition to dominate the digital space is much fierce. Brands would need to invest much more in hiring the best digital marketing workforce to maintain an upper hand in the online space which definitely hiked its demand. In the words of Albert Einstein, “In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” Starting a career in digital marketing is one such opportunity during this COVID 19 Pandemic.
Owing to the ongoing pandemic, many of us have had our lives disrupted especially those with small and large-scale businesses or firms. The game of digital marketing in India began in 2000/2002. In the stigma of the invisible enemy, we have undergone more digital marketing than we have done in past 20 years. Since January 2020, the world has seen the Covid-19 unfold, and since then everyone has been cooped up in their houses. Things started heating up with the eCommerce boom in the country and a lot of job opportunities aroused from internet-based start-ups.

A bloom in content marketing and social media marketing took place around some
2007/2008 which served as a boost to communication specialists and social media addicts to ponder over the business side of social media marketing. This is when the dynamism of the industry started to change. In India, Internet was highly posh up till 2014 which didn’t spread its outreach to rural areas. Jio then introduced free internet in 2015. This escalated the innovations from Government sectors to Service sectors, from larger enterprises to smaller ones.

Digital Transformation has been the most pragmatic approach by the business owners especially by the owners working the conventional industry. But now the scenario has taken 180º turn. Those who did not invest in digital marketing have witness immeasurable loss in terms of revenue. Their ventures have become stagnant and uncompetitive. Automation, Robotics, Manufacturing and many more have been the building blocks plunging into the marketing.

The internet consumption level has increased drastically since March 2020. This means that more and more people have been active online and that more and more business have been flourishing as well as opening online. Importance of maintaining a brand presence: As rightly said by Zig Zaglar “You don’t build business; you build people and they build business”. Instead of just promoting the brand, they should also focus on building the goodwill of the people. Rise in the number of online stores: Companies were able to deliver services as per the latest guidelines.

Due to the budget cost of the companies, this proved to be an effective way of image-building. Digital Marketing Network: There is a spike in the number of inquiries of the service. Due to the change in the lifestyle, online production and sales have been in the dominance than offline ones. The global pandemic has created a new digital-first consumer to reach and new business imperatives to meet. It’s time to adapt, accelerate, transform and to ramp up for recovery. Recapture, revenue and reinforce relationships. In the current scenario, the spotlight has shifted on experiential marketing as an attempt to feed the need for customer-curated experiences. The impact of experiential marketing can last longer for almost any brand or industry due to immersing consumers in live experiences whether it is through a website, webinar, or landing page.

But on the other hand, in 60% of multinational companies, no employees were dismissed from their positions, 64% started working remotely, 63% of companies opted for diverting SEO budgets to PPC, 46% of businesses lost essential customers for the last several months, while 12% claimed they enjoyed a surge in new ones. Anti-crisis plans were developed and brought to life by 19% of companies.

Digital marketing jobs shall be on the rise post-COVID 19 as most brands would heavily depend on digital presence for growth. With Artificial Intelligence, Programmatic promotion, Chatbots, Personalization and conversational advertising, Micro-minutes, the advanced business proceeds onward consistently. By 2023, the quantity of dynamic Indian web clients will arrive at right around 666 million. In view of the report of Global Data, the Indian online business market is pushing to 7 trillion rupees by 2023 as a result of lockdowns.
Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart. Content is the atomic particle of all Digital Marketing. It is beyond just likes and comments. SEO isn’t about finding customers; it’s about creating customers. Business without digital marketing is like fish without water.

Space tourism

By: Sanjana & Prashant

The endless possibilities of the epic universe, the broad, vast cosmos’ enormity have always had people’s fancy. Our Earth sits like a tiny blue marble within the magnanimous Milky way. Astronauts returning home from space often talk about the outstanding view of Earth from space. With the advent of space tourism, you can enjoy the rare opportunity to travel beyond Earth, extending your freedom to explore the unknown.

What is space tourism?
Space tourism is another niche segment of the aviation industry that seeks to give tourists the ability to become astronauts and experience space travel for recreational, leisure, or business purposes. Not only does space tourism extend the freedom to travel into space for those with the means, but it also promises a profitable market to develop the launch vehicles necessary to expand life throughout the solar system.
Space tourism has been positively seen as humankind’s step closer towards settling and living beyond Earth.

How much does it cost to go to space? There are plenty of companies offering (very expensive) flights into space. Ranging from $100,000 to millions of dollars, different companies have a diverse price range for their space trips. Seven tourists have traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) till now. The publicized price was in the range of US$20–25 million per trip. Unsurprisingly, commercial space travel remains the realm of the mega-rich
The only market for humans-in-space potentially capable of sustaining thousands of flights per year is tourism if the cost is in the $100,000 range or less. If the price is in the $10,000 range, millions of flights can be supported.

Who will take you to space?
The concept of space tourism is growing in popularity all the time, and there are a growing number of businesses engaging in activities within the space tourism industry. For those who are hoping to one-day visit space as a private astronaut, the following five companies may offer the best chance of achieving that dream.

Virgin Galactic Part of the wider Virgin Group, the Virgin Galactic space tourism company is aiming to provide regular suborbital spaceflights for paying customers. Its current spaceplane, VSS Unity, entered outer space in December 2018 as part of its testing process, bringing the possibility of regular commercial spaceflights closer.The company already has an extensive waiting list of people wishing to become space tourists, with an initial deposit of £200,000 required to secure a place on this list.

SpaceX is already hugely experienced when it comes to launching space-bound flights and the company is also hoping to get on board the space tourism bandwagon. However, unlike most other companies operating in this field, they are prioritising lunar tourism and other forms of space travel extending beyond Earth orbit.

Blue Origin
To date, Blue Origin has been the main competitor for Virgin Galactic in terms of sub-orbital space travel tourism. However, their offering is based around a more traditional rocket, known as the New Shepard, which takes off and lands vertically, and their objectives are to build towards orbital spaceflight.As with Virgin Galactic, the space tourism company has performed several test flights and is planning to put paying passengers into space soon

Orion Span
Finally, Orion Span is a space travel company in the United States, which announced plans for a private commercial space station, called the Aurora Space Station. This would be placed in low Earth orbit and would effectively function as a space hotel, which would be able to host up to six space tourists at a time.

Boeing The Boeing Company emerged as a major player in the space tourism industry when it signed an agreement with NASA as part of its Commercial Crew Development programme. As part of the agreement, Boeing started work on the development of a crew capsule, called the Boeing CST-100 Starliner. Crucially, the company’s contract with NASA provides them with the opportunity to sell seats to space tourists, with the idea being that at least one space tourist would participate in each future space mission. It is fair enough to say that space tourism will continue to flourish in popularity if companies continue to deliver sub-orbital spaceflight for paying customers. Space tourism may lead to large numbers of people traveling to space in the next few decades. However, interest in the space tourism industry is likely to take off when space tourism extends beyond Earth orbit, especially if lunar missions become financially and logistically feasible.
Yet, it is worth pointing out that space tourism is likely to remain extremely expensive for the foreseeable future. It is also physically demanding, which will mean it will only be available to people who pass fitness tests and undergo training programs in preparation for their flight.

The space tourism industry is similar to the past airline history. There are many potential passengers willing to pay for the journey to space and the governments should therefore consider this as an eminent opportunity to solve the current costly space access inconveniences.
If the corporation between the private sector and the government is able to drive admission charges to a lower level with the aim of encouraging rebirth of a new arena that encourages commerce and industry, then there will be a great utilization of the space opportunities for growth. The space tourism is an identified market niche that might catalyze utilization of infrastructure in space especially due to future discoveries.

RPA: The Future of Automation.

By: Lokesh & Ananthu

Imagine, you have launched your start-up and you require manpower for the various tasks such as collecting client details, the payment process, etc but you have used the maximum of your investment and are left with an amount that’s not sufficient to get people required for various tasks. You would have to face great difficulties if you can’t find the workforce soon for those jobs. 
Now, replace this scenario of a start-up with that of Healthcare, Educational, Banking sectors which require people for collecting data of their patients, students, clients and also to perform other administrative tasks with greater efficiency. So, how can we increase productivity and achieve our desired results with fewer errors?
Robotic Process Automation, also known as RPA is a technology that mimics humans’ interaction with software and aims at automating business processes. Using RPA, a company can configure a bot that can perform various administrative tasks. RPA along with other technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be used to configure bots to perform more complicated jobs. RPA can understand and react to changing scenarios, circumstances, and exceptions, unlike previous automation methods. RPA software can use data, trigger responses, create new actions, and connect with other systems independently once it has been designed to capture and understand the workflow of certain operations in the software application. Isn’t it fascinating? But what are the pros of using RPA over the human workforce? Some of the benefits are a reduction in human errors, an increase in accuracy, the time is taken to perform repetitive tasks by humans is reduced, an increase in capability to handle large data, it is less expensive, and many more.
To understand the importance of RPA better let us take real-life scenarios. One of the most important sectors amid Covid is the medical sector. Healthcare providers are increasingly burdened with administrative chores that divert attention away from their primary goal – patient care. Continuous digitization of patient records, data compliance, budgetary pressures, and a shortage of IT resources are all challenges. Healthcare organizations can gain substantial operational efficiency by implementing RPA, allowing clinical staff to focus on judgment-based choices rather than administrative activities. 
A bank’s experience with RPA, according to David Schatsky, a managing director at Deloitte LLP, was that the bank redesigned its claims process by deploying 85 bots to conduct 13 procedures, processing 1.5 million requests per year. According to Schatsky, the bank expanded capacity comparable to more than 200 full-time employees for around a third of the cost of hiring more people. 
Shane Jason Mock, Vice President of research and development for American Fidelity Assurance was doubtful when he heard about employing bots to automate data entry. Well, a demonstration of RPA transporting data from a spreadsheet to a mainframe convinced him otherwise. Mock’s company that handles 2.5 million health insurance policies selected RPA from UiPath. American Fidelity also uses the RPA in its accounting, claims processing, and other business divisions. RPA and machine learning combined were also used by Mock to classify and route emails related to claims and other business activities. Previously, humans read each email and forwarded it to the appropriate recipient. Mock claims that scanning 9,000 emails, which used to take 45 hours, now takes 3 seconds. 
Every coin has two sides and RPA has its pitfalls too. RPA, despite all its numerous benefits, comes with its own set of concerns for any organization when using them. One of them is the difficulty in integrating it with the current workforce and replacing the same. Employing RPA induces the feeling of insecurity among the workers in an organization as they fear losing their jobs to robots which is already a growing concern in the job sector with the rise of various new technologies. Moreover, most employees find it difficult to adapt and learn to work alongside these new robots which have replaced their co-workers. Moreover, there is a fear that either malicious activities like hacking or usual malfunctions like a system crash could lead to losing confidential information. Another concern regarding the use of bots is that there is no guarantee that a bot can be as responsive, cordial, or intuitive as a human employee. There is a great deal of proactive planning to be taken before the implementation of an RPA.
The question that comes to mind now that we’ve gone in-depth about RPA and how beneficial it can be to an organization-” What are the tools that we can use to implement RPA in organizations?”. Fortunately for us, there exists a variety of tools and services in the market that can help in the implementation of RPA. Automation Anywhere is one such service provider. It is one of the leading and trusted service providers for efficient RPA tools. The architecture of Automation Anywhere is client/server-based. Bot insights, which is an analytics engine that allows users to visualize user data and take business insights from it. It includes attractive features like bot insights, which is an analytics engine that allows users to visualize user data and take business insights from it, a bot farm which allows companies to buy RPA tools on a usage basis rather than on a capacity or license basis, and a bot store which is a marketplace where ready to use bots are available
In conclusion, from what we’ve seen so far about RPA and how incredibly beneficial it can be to different organizations as an efficient solution for repetitive tasks that will be completed more quickly and effectively, allowing humans to concentrate on more human-centric skills like reasoning, judgment, and emotional intelligence, we eagerly look forward to watching more companies adopt this process and streamline their manufacturing as much as possible. RPA has a promising future for various applications in different industries and will soon be adopted by various companies to come.


By:Pragya Mishra & Lakshmi Vaishnavi.

Ever heard of augmented reality? That’s the new fad in the market these
Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology. It is a growing trend among companies involved in mobile computing and business applications in particular.
In fact gaming companies, online shopping websites are also looking to
expand into AR to increase customer satisfaction.
AR can be used for online shopping websites, where customers can virtually
try the dresses or products they wish to buy and check how it looks on
them. Later if they like it, they can purchase it.
This not only increases customer satisfaction but also decreases reverse
logistics for the company , thus increasing profits.

In gaming websites, the players can choose the setting they wanna play in
and experience it virtually.
There are three types of AR:
1)Marker based AR
2)Location based AR
3)Markerless AR

1)Marker based ARs

A Marker based AR works by identifying Markers than are distinct patterns
easily recognized by a camera. A marker activates the AR in this case which
can be a text , picture , video animation or anything that can be visualised.
It creates a real time experience for user that is marker driven.
Location-based ARs
Location based ARs enable tieing augmentation to real time environment
surrounding the user. It works by reading data from a device’s camera,
GPS, digital compass, and accelerometer while simultaneously predicting
user’s focus area that acts as a trigger for pairing the dynamic location
points to points of interest. The virtual information is mapped on specific
locations and are only displayed when there is a trigger from the user.

2) Markerless ARs

Markerless AR places virtual 3D objects in the physical environment
depending on the environment’s real features rather than identifying
markers. This differentiation eliminates the need for object tracking
systems. Markerless AR experiences are possible because of advancements
in cameras, sensors, processors, and algorithms capable of accurately
detecting and mapping the real-world.
Although many impactful applications and unique use-cases remain yet
undiscovered, here are some real world applications that have immensely
raised user experience and user satisfaction to an all new level.

IKEA PLACE APP(Home renovation helper)

The app has been built using Apple’s ARKit technology. It scans your room
and designs the space by placing Ikea objects in the digital image of your
room to create a new environment with the new products. The Dulux
Visualiser helps you try out a shade of paint for your room before you buy.
Just use your smartphone camera to scan your room and virtually paint it
with any color of the rainbow.

Sephora Virtual Artist and Rolex(AR in cosmetic industry)

Cosmetic company Sephora uses AR technology to allow customers to try
out different looks and eye, lips and cheek products as well as colors right
on their own digital face. This is a powerful way to boost sales and to give
customers a fun way to try out new looks. Another company that uses augmented reality to inspire purchases is Rolex. The company has
developed a virtual try it on session where prospective customers can try
out different styles and models.

Accuvein (AR in healthcare)

Accuvein is a handheld device that can scan the vein network of a patient
that leads to a 45% reduction in escalations. Surgeons can plan procedures
before making the first cut, models can be made of tumors, and AR
diagnostic tools can model disease conditions.

AR Gaming software

AR Gaming software is probably the most common type of App. These apps
create mesmeric gaming experiences that use your actual surroundings.
Examples: Pokémon Go, Parallel Kingdom, Temple Treasure Hunt,
Real Strike, Zombie Go, etc.
AR apps act as a magic window for the viewers that lets them see the
holograms and manipulate 3D models. Augmented Reality is a technology
that has changed the face of smartphone apps and gaming. AR adds digital
images and data to amplify views of the real world, giving users more
information about their environments. This step is beyond virtual reality,
which attempts to simulate reality. AR apps are growing at a tremendous
speed as they give businesses a different edge which attracts the customers.
Augmented reality is the future, and there can’t be a better time to start
working in AR.

Computer vision

By: Prachurya Priyadarshini & Ritocheta Roy

Vision is the highest bandwidth sense providing a firehose of information about the state of the world and how to act on it. This serves as a reason to give computers the ability to extract high-level understanding from digital images and videos. As a refresher, images on computers are most often stored as big grids of pixels. Each pixel is defined by a colour, stored as a combination of three additive primary colours: red, green and blue. This algorithm can be run on not just a single photo but frames in videos too where the ball can be tracked over time. Due to variations in lighting, shadows, and other effects, the ball on the field is almost certainly not going to be the exact same RGB value as our target colour, but merely the closest match.

To make such sort of features recognizable in images, computer vision algorithms have to consider small regions of pixels, called patches. For example, let the image is converted into grayscale. On zooming into one of these poles, it can be easily observed where the left edge of the pole starts, because there’s a change in colour that persists across many pixels vertically. This is due to the fact that pixel being a vertical edge is the magnitude of the difference in colour between some pixels to its left and some pixels to its right. The bigger the colour difference between these two sets of pixels, the more likely the pixel is on an edge. If the colour difference is small, it’s not an edge. The mathematical notation for this operation looks like this – it’s called a kernel or filter.

It contains the values for a pixel-wise multiplication, the sum of which is saved into the centre pixel. The pixels are labelled with their grayscale values. Kernel is centred it over our pixel of interest. This specifies what each pixel value underneath should be multiplied by. Then, all those numbers are added up. That becomes our new pixel value. This operation, of applying a kernel to a patch of pixels, is call a convolution. If kernel is applied to every pixel in the photo, the strong vertical edges will hold the highest pixel values. The horizontal edges are almost invisible. To highlight those features, a different kernel is used which is sensitive to horizontal edges. Both of these edge enhancing kernels are called Prewitt Operators.

Convolutional Neural Networks are the hottest new algorithms of the day. Artificial Neuron, the building block of a neural network takes a series of inputs, and multiplies each by a specified weight, and then sums those values all together. The input weights are equivalent to kernel values, but unlike a predefined kernel, neural networks can use their own kernels that are able to recognize intrinsic structures in images. Convolutional Neural Networks use banks of these neurons to process image data, each outputting a new image, which in turn are processed by subsequent layers of neurons.

The very first convolutional layer finds edges, which are identified by convolution. The next layer has neurons that convolve on those edge features to scrutinize simple shapes, comprised of edges, like corners. A layer beyond that might convolve on those corner features, and contain neurons that can depict simple objects, like mouths and eyebrows. And this keeps going, building up in complexity, until there’s a layer that does a convolution that puts it together: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, the whole nine yards, until it gives rise to a face.

Application of computer vision ranges from industrial level machine vision systems for automatic inspection for research in artificial intelligence, robots, and computers to apps used in everyday life. Though in most computer vision applications, computers are pre-programmed to solve a particular task, recently the use of neural network and fuzzy i.e., methods based on learning have become increasingly common, and have reached every aspect of human life.

For example, in the medical field, Computer Vision is applied for medical image processing which involves extracting features from images (usually CT scans and X-Rays) to diagnose a patient. This has been used for detection of tumours, and also for identifying its type, blood flow, organ dimension etc. In the current ongoing pandemic, there has been extensive research to use image processing to identify COVID-19 pneumonia from Chest X-Rays with greater accuracy, ease and time efficiency. This would be a major milestone as it would result in faster detection of COVID-19 patients, and hence their isolation can also be done rapidly. It will also ensure that the medical team will not have to check on patients physically to determine if it is in fact COVID-19 and reduce their chances of being infected.

Computer vision application in the industrial field is commonly known as machine vision. The information is extracted for the purpose of supporting the production process. It is used for quality control where the products are automatically being inspected to find defects, for measurement of position, and orientation of details to be picked up by a robot, for optical sorting where undesirable products are removed from bulk material etc.

Military is probably one of the largest domains of computer vision application. It involves simple things like detection of enemy soldiers or vehicles to advance systems for missile guidance where the missile is sent to an area rather than a specific target and the target is selected when the missile reaches the area based on the locally acquired image data or battlefield awareness where various sensors for providing a rich set of information about a
combat scene which is used to come up with strategy points.

Vehicles are one of the recent applications of computer vision. Autonomous vehicles, where the level of autonomy ranges from fully autonomous to vehicles where computer vision-based systems aid the driver in various situations.

Some other areas of computer vision application are: Tactile Feedback, Visual effect support (for creation of cinema, broadcast, gaming, animation etc), Surveillance, Driver drowsiness detection, Image transformation using GANs, Meteorology, Robotics.

Effect of Advertisement on social media

By: Vignesh & Vishak

When brands and companies start working there is something that everyone values highly. It is called consumer behaviour. And that is the main reason why companies like Kellogs which was highly successful around the world but failed to gain ground in India initially. Consumer behaviour changes accordingly with time. As people develop the choice of consumption of goods highly depends on the standards of life they live at the time. For a company to be successful it has to understand the psychology of the consumers and tick the right boxes.

Earlier when this process took years for a company to find out their working strategy, technology these days made it easier. With all those developments becoming important the data or the information shared is the gold. That data is used by various companies in some way or other which is used to provide a personalized consumer experience. And the technologies that the companies use is what we are focusing which changed the consumer experience in a revolutionary way.

Online Shopping
A new tide of online shopping has swept away the market control towards the digital platform where buyers can purchase products with a single click on their mouse. With the dynamicity in the purchasing powers, even the producers have been readily shifting to the online portals so as to lure customers and earn revenue to the fullest. While the online forums have captured a lot of the market, yet the store-to-store shopping has not lost the essence. The primary reason for it is that the consumers have the opportunity to get their desired product trial and tested before buying it. This is the only drawback which online shopping has that is yet to be covered.

Social media Ads
It is not any news to the millennial generation of how lucrative and surplus advantage advertising on social media has. Instagram, the trendiest social media site, has provided a platform for the producers to advertise their merchandise on their profile and similarly promote it on a large scale basis simply by paying a handful of tribute to the app at par. The particular page then gets sponsored on the feed of almost every other Instagram user, thereby attracting a new consumer every minute.

Rise of Cryptos

A new era of computing technology was born in the fintech sector in 2008. Using this technology called blockchain people could make transactions in the cyber world more transparent and rightful. With the traction of digital goods like legendary arts videos memes etc that are seen as valuable and comparable to the painting s of the ancient history, the value for cryptocurrencies sky rocketed. People started to invest in it and these are in track to replace themselves as the world currency which can be used to buy online goods or virtual goods in the form of NFts. This shift is also mainly due to change in consumer behaviour towards virtual goods which were once useless but now fetch millions. This helps thousands of people earn a living as digital artist or any other related stuff.


Barter system in the olden times to introduction of currency in the medievial times the concepts of world trade and economics revolves around consumer beahviour. If we break it down to final piece the system revolves around human trust and consumer beahviour which fluctuates the demand and supply which makes things valuable and useless. As times changes the use of technology will interfere in this process in the vision to make things perfect and convincing. In the olden times the technology of carefully converting precious metals to valuable coins kick started this process. Now it has evolved to social media , personalized ads augmented reality machine learning and now at cryptocurrency. This process goes on forever and the technology is going to get more and more involved.

NFT: Inside the crypto world of digital collectibles

By: Yuvraj

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is selling the code he used to create the World Wide Web
an NFT.
Non-fungible token.
But, That doesn’t make it any clearer, does it?
Right, sorry. “Non-fungible” more or less means it’s unique and can’t be replaced with
something else. for instance, a bitcoin is fungible — trade one for an additional bitcoin, and
you’ll have precisely the same thing. A one-of-a-kind card, however, is non-fungible. If you
traded it for a special card, you’d have something completely different. You gave up an
Undertaker card for Ray Mysterio !!! Well, depends on your choices. 😉
How do NFTs work?
At a high level, most NFTs are a part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum may be a
cryptocurrency, like bitcoin or dogecoin, but its blockchain also supports these NFTs, which
store extra information that creates their work differently from, say, an ETH coin. it’s worth
noting that other blockchains can implement their versions of NFTs.
So, back to the topic! Again! Tim Berners-Lee is selling the code he used to create the
World Wide Web as an NFT.
What is it, particularly?
The NFT also includes a 30-minute animation and a letter written by Berners-Lee.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee is selling the code he wrote to create the World Wide Web in 1989 as an
NFT, or nonfungible token.
Sotheby’s, which is auctioning the NFT, described the World Wide Web as “the first
hypermedia browser/editor, allowing users to make and navigate links between files across
a network of computers.”
The NFT includes the original archive of dated and time-stamped files containing the source
code, which is about 9,555 lines long.
It includes a 30-minute animation of the code being written; a graphic representation of the
complete code created by Berners-Lee from the first files using Python; and a letter from
Berners-Lee reflecting on the code and his creation of it. “It has been fun to travel back and
look over the code,” he wrote within the letter. “It is amazing to see the items that those
relatively few lines of code, with a help of a tremendous growing gang of collaborators
across the earth, stayed enough on course to become what the online is now.”
What should I buy as NFT?
NFTs can be anything digital (such as drawings, music, your brain downloaded and became
an AI), but tons of the present excitement is around using the tech to sell digital art.
A lot of the conversation is about NFTs as an evolution of art collecting, only with digital art.
Yes, it can become like art collecting, like for those that have crazy money, wish to pay up to
$50,000 for colours on a canvas.

So, What about making copies of digital art and downloading them? can I do that?
Wow, rude. But yeah, that’s where it gets a touch awkward. you’ll copy a digital file as over
and over as you wish, including the art that’s included with an NFT.
But NFTs are designed to offer you something that can’t be copied: ownership of the work
(though the artist can still retain the copyright and reproduction rights, a bit like with
physical artwork). to place it in terms of physical art collecting: anyone can purchase a da
Vinci painting. But just one person can own the original.
Whoever got that Original can appreciate it as an object. With digital art, a replica is pretty
much as good as the original.
But the flex of owning an original…is what drives people to pay crazy amounts.
What’s the purpose of creating an NFT?
That depends on whether you’re an artist or a buyer.
Its mine! I’m an artist!
First off: You would possibly have an interest in NFTs because it gives you how to sell work
that there otherwise won’t be much of a marketplace for.
Also, NFTs have a feature that you simply can enable which will pay you a percentage
whenever the NFT is sold or changes hands, ensuring that if your work gets super popular
and balloons in value, you can be sure that you’ll not be forgotten.
If I’m a buyer?
One of the apparent benefits of buying art is it allows you to financially support artists you
prefer, and that’s true with NFTs. Buying an NFT also usually gets you some basic usage
rights, like having the ability to post the image online or set it as your profile picture. Plus, of
course, there are bragging rights that you simply own the art, with a blockchain entry to
back it up.
If I’m a collector?
Ah, okay. NFTs can work like all other speculative assets, where you purchase it and hope
that the worth of it goes up at some point, so you’ll sell it for a profit.
So is every NFT is unique?
In the boring, technical sense that each NFT may be a unique token on the blockchain. But
while it might be like a Leonardo, where there’s just one definitive actual version, it could
even be sort of a WWE card, where there’s 50 or many numbered copies of identical
Who would pay many thousands of dollars for what amounts to a trading card?
Well, that’s a part of what makes NFTs so messy. Some people treat them like they’re the
longer term of art collecting and a few people treat them like Pokémon cards (where they’re
accessible to normal people but also a playground for the mega-rich).

Could I buy anything as an NFT?
There are some attempts at connecting NFTs to real-world objects, often as a kind of
verification method. Nike has patented a way to verify sneakers’ authenticity using an NFT
system, which it calls Crypto Kicks.
Can they be stolen?
That depends. A speciality of blockchain is that it stores a record of every time a transaction
takes place, making it harder to steal than say, a painting hanging during a museum. That
said, cryptocurrencies are stolen before, so it really would depend upon how the NFT is
being stored.
Should I be worried about digital art being around in 500 years?
Probably. Bit rot may be a real thing: image quality deteriorates, file formats can’t be
opened anymore, websites go down, people forget the password. But physical art in
museums is fragile too.
Can I build a safe to store my NFTs?
Well, like cryptocurrencies, NFTs are stored in digital wallets (though it’s worth noting that
the wallet does specifically need to be NFT-compatible).
Are you bored with reading “NFT”?
And I think it’s enough for now.

Analysis of YouTube ads in digital marketing to reach mass audiences in FMCG industry

By: lakshmi vaishnavi

Technology is present everywhere and making use of this for marketing is very common. However, in recent times there has been a slow yet gradual shift in the technology used for advertising – it has slowly moved to social media.
Social media have become an important part of our everyday lives and companies are using this to connect with their target audience and make an impression.
The company has to formulate effective strategies for developing and communicating the product. Advertising is one of effective strategies for communicating the product to the customers. This simplicities the company to provide its customers information about the product.
With the rise of digital platforms, effectiveness of advertisements has become an important area of study for marketers to determine the most efficient and appropriate medium of communication to place their advertisements.
Communication has not changed over the years, people still select the channels that they feel better satisfy their needs; therefore, it is crucial for companies to not only identify those needs but also to comprehend what cues the advertisement should provide in order for it to be effective.
In a social media site such as YouTube, the most important factors are presented and this helps individuals to better comprehend the message.
Understanding these factors is helpful for companies to determine where their advertisement investments will be most profitable, and where the message will be better received and understood.
Various factor analysis are done to understand how every variable and how every little factor affects customer’s perspective or consumer’s buying power.
The cues (music, physical appearance of the actors, body movements, and narration) were considered important to relate to an advertisement on YouTube. So depending on the location, race/ethnicity, education level and other such factors the advertisement’s will have to be formulated.
These are few of the factors that will have to be considered before making a decision on what theme the ads should be based on how to approach our target audience.

Understand how an Ad is doing.
When you launch a Youtube campaign, the thing you want the most is views. But there are other factors that we will be looking at like:
1 Awareness KPIs: views, impressions, unique users
2 Consideration KPIs: view-through rate, watch time
3 Action KPIs: clicks, calls, sign-ups, sales
To optimise the effectiveness of your video campaign, we will need to know what are the most important viewer actions to measure, and why.
This will help us understand how well our ads are doing and is our target being achieved.

Key metrics for your Youtube campaigns include:

  1. Core performance

View rate
Avg. Cost-per-view

  1. Click performance

Click-through rate (CTR)

  1. Engagement performance
    Engagement rate
  2. Reach and frequency

Unique cookies
Unique viewers by cookie
Avg. impr. freq. per cookie
Avg. view freq. per cookie

  1. Video viewership

Video played to: 25% shows how often a video is played to 25% of its length.
Video played to: 50% shows how often a video is played until the middle of its view length.
Video played to: 75% shows how often a video is played to 75% of its length.
Video played to: 100% shows how often a video is played to its completion.

  1. YouTube engagement

Earned actions happen when a viewer watches a video ad and then takes a related action on YouTube. Following are the types of earned actions Google measures:

• Earned views
• Earned subscribes
• Earned playlist additions
• Earned likes
• Earned shares

These above factors are the main factors we will have to consider which looking at how our YouTube ads are doing. Considering these factors and ensuring they are doing well, will help us reach maximum potential.
For proper analysis of our advertisement’s, we can use Google Analytics to help us understand the Ad performance.
Google Analytics can be used to measure increase in site visits due to organic and paid searches related to your brand name(s), as well as direct traffic.
We can also see the keywords people used to find your site, which you can then compare against any phrases or branded terms you used in your video promotions and try to increase those.
This way we can ensure our Ad’s reach increases and so do our Sales. This is a perfect mix of technology in Marketing.
Nothing these days is possible without technology, be it making a phone call, analysing data to formulate strategies for our company or even hiring candidates for a job. Technology has become a omnipresent force and dictates the way things function. The mantra these days is to keep learning and keep improving and be the next change


By Sanjana Katoch

Nanotechnology is going to be a major driving force behind the impending technological revolution in the 21st century. Both private and public sector spendings are constantly increasing.
The size of the market for nanotechnology products is already comparable to the biotechnology sector, while the expected growth rates over the next few years are far higher. Nanotechnology manufacturing is a fundamentally new process in which structures are built from the bottom up, one atom at a time. Nanotechnology has the potential of producing new materials and products that may revolutionize all areas of life. Nanotechnology protagonists believe that nanotechnology will provide unsurpassed benefits for society. Meanwhile, its antagonists believe that nanotechnology may pose serious health and environmental risks and advocate that the precautionary principle should govern the development and deployment of such products. Although it is difficult to predict precisely how nanotechnology will impact society, current understanding, under either the spectacular benefit or the serious risk scenarios, presages a huge impact on society in areas that include the environment, healthcare, energy, and
Today’s nanotechnology, for example, the planned manipulation of materials and properties on a nanoscale, exploits the interaction of three technological streams: • the control of the size and manipulation of nanoscale building blocks,
• the characterization of materials on a nanoscale (for example, spatial resolution, chemical sensitivity), and the understanding of the relationships between nanostructure and properties and how these can be engineered.
Nanotechnology starts at the bottom and builds up one atom at a time. Apart from making very small things, nanotechnology promises “absolutely perfect copies” of a device. Broadly speaking, nanotechnology may be divided into two areas: nanomaterials, and nanodevices.
Nanomaterials can be defined as materials possessing, at minimum, one external dimension measuring 1-100nm. The definition given by the European Commission states that the particle size of at least half of the particles in the number size distribution must measure 100nm or below.
Nanomaterials can occur naturally, be created as the byproducts of combustion reactions, or be produced purposefully through engineering to perform a specialized function. These materials can have different physical and chemical properties to their bulk-form counterparts.
Due to the ability to generate the materials in a particular way to play a specific role, the use of nanomaterials spans various industries, from healthcare and cosmetics to environmental preservation and air purification.
The healthcare field, for example, utilizes nanomaterials in a variety of ways, with one major use being drug delivery. One example of this process is whereby nanoparticles are being developed to assist the transportation of chemotherapy drugs directly to cancerous growths, as well as to deliver drugs to areas of arteries that are damaged to fight cardiovascular disease. Carbon nanotubes are also being developed to be used in processes such as the addition of antibodies to the nanotubes to create bacteria sensors.
In aerospace, carbon nanotubes can be used in the morphing of aircraft wings. The nanotubes are used in a composite form to bend in response to the application of electric voltage

Elsewhere, environmental preservation processes make use of nanomaterials too – in this case, nanowires. Applications are being developed to use the nanowires – zinc oxide nanowires- in flexible solar cells as well as to play a role in the treatment of polluted water.

an important application for future nanomaterials will be as highly selective and efficient catalysts for chemical and energy
This will be important economically
conversion processes.

not only for energy and chemical products but also for
conservation and environmental applications. nanomaterial is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary technology with enormous potential for human health and industries. As a sustainable economic driver, nanotechnology can promise compelling social benefits. Despite these advantages, the practical applications of this revolutionary technology are still a challenge.
For example, nanoparticles can agglomerate to form larger particles during the EOR process, compromising their function. Extensive and intensive research is needed to overcome the shortcomings associated with the applications of nanotechnology. Nonetheless, the future of nanotechnology is bright. We would like to end this Editorial by quoting Walt Disney’s “If you can dream it, you can do it.” With the aid of nanotechnology, the dream of scientists to engineer new functional materials for a better 21st century is closer to reality.
the preparation of polymer-based nanomaterials. Polymers (latexes) are heterogeneous systems that consist of two phases—namely, a dispersion medium and a disperse phase. The polymer latex comprises a large number of separate small particles that are usually spherical. The formulation of polymeric nanoparticles (polymer dispersions) dispersed in a non-solvent media are prepared by
(macro)emulsion, miniemulsion, or microemulsion

polymerization is broadly used for the production of homopolymers and copolymers by the radical polymerization of unsaturated monomers with similar or different water solubility. The kinetics and mechanism of hydrophilic unsaturated monomers and especially the copolymerization of a set of monomers with a different water-solubility are complex. Because of this kinetics, serious disadvantages, such as the lack of homogeneity and restrictions in the accessible composition range are accompanied.