Technology & Its Impacts on advertisement

By Prashant & Vishakh

In the Era of Pre-1800’s there were just traditional shops, during the 1800’s departmental and retail stores took birth, in the late 1800 and mid-1900s the boom of Mail Order and Catalogs took place, late 1900s the era of Big Box Stores took place, finally 2000’s as in the present world age of the internet.Aritifical Intelligence is changing advertising and the surrounding landscape. Advertisers want to optimize the vast amounts of data at their disposal to create better campaigns and drive more impact. Before the assistance of AI, it was difficult to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and where to allocate spend.However, media spend is not the only sector of the advertising industry being affected. AI affects planning, analytics and creative. Therefore, other factors play a crucial role in how advertising budgets are developed and spent.
What are the technological transformations and inventions during this era and how has it effected consumer behavior?
Let’s go from the beginning to the end in a hierarchical way.

  1. Social Media:
    AI is a key component of the popular social networks you use every single day.Facebook uses advanced machine learning to do everything from serve you content to recognize your face in photos to target users with advertising. Instagram (owned by Facebook) uses AI to identify visuals.LinkedIn uses AI to offer job recommendations, suggest people you might like to connect with, and serving you specific posts in your feed.Snapchat leverages the power of computer vision, an AI technology, to track your features and overlay filters that move with your face in real-time.
    And, across all social media platforms, AI and machine learning are regulating how the content you create and the ads you buy are placed in front of users-often in ways that aren’t entirely transparent to marketers.This is all to say that AI is a fundamental part of how today’s social networks function.
  2. Online Options as consumers are connected:
    In this new era each and every person is connected someone or the other way. Discussion websites like shiksha, chegg, WikiAnswers and etc. every person has an option to ask and know about any sort of products from a casual FMCG to an expensive Auto Mobile, every want to know each other’s feedback so that they can evaluate and know things in various perspectives so that they can understand more about the product or service. People are connected, we all live 2 lives one for the online world and another for ourselves, it is mandatory that if a company wants to grow they need to encash the opportunity of people living 2 lives, and the companies are doing this to develop their business they use social influencers, blog writers and content creators to promote their product or service which are regularly not used by them, but for remuneration they publicize the company.
  3. Mobiles and Online Payment Options:
    How many of us search for a product online and then enquire about it in offline stores? Many of us. From the initial stage of creating a want to the stage of purchasing it everything has become online. Our mobile has become a one stop destination for all human needs we can search for the product’s information from its features to its price. Whenever we go to a shop to purchase any essential items once the shopkeeper says the info and price of the product we immediately search for the product online and compare the prices. So, in today’s world people have become smart, cos of which it is mandatory that every organization to get its own online presence once the organization has an online presence people can order for the service or product the main doubt raised by how will they pay for the service or product then raised the evolution of online payment. Now there is online presence and safe payment portal for consumer to purchase the product or service with their respective bank accounts through Debit or Credit Cards.
  4. Big Data and Cloud Technology:
    One can rightly argue that “Artificial Intelligence is useless without data and data is insurmountable without AI ”. Also, both AI and Big Data are literally impossible without human intervention and interaction.AI system which enables Machine learning solutions is the future of the development of business technologies and processes. Such enabled Machine Learning applications automate data analysis and find new insights that were previously impossible to imagine by processing data manually or with traditional methods.
    Through Cloud Technology companies are able to monitor consumers everyday activity, once you search for an item or service there is an instant responses from various online websites regarding the item or service searched in whatever site we enter. Every company is using this technology to develop their online presence.
  5. Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality:
    AR and VR are the new world. Many companies are coming up with their own technology and user experience and interface. People are now moving towards AR it is a great decision taken by the companies to develop their own UI and AR as the public are excited for this. Greatest example of this would be Lenskart and Ikea, Lenskart has come up with an option in their app where the customer can see how he/she looks when they were the spectacles without even wearing them, and there comes Ikea to solve the problem of how a sofa or a Shelf Unit is going to look in your room, the furniture retailer Ikea brought in an AR app to help visualize e-commerce consumers to how an item might look in their area.

Technology has developed and evolved the market of retailers over the past years, and this will continue to do so. The evidence of this can be seen in the form of day today’s activities by various companies on their strategy to gain their presence in the market (online or offline), this displays that digital world has integrated into the shopping experience of general consumers. From full price transparency to mobile alerts and social sharing, retail has become far more hooked in to technology and social media influences.
A company which is responsive and forward looking can pleasure their customers with their latest environment/eco system by placing emphasis on a seamless digital experience, for example Apple Inc. they create their own digital and hardware Eco System to delight their customers. Some of the tools which are available to companies to develop their presence are website design, custom alerts and a compelling content strategy. Usage of these tools in company’s strategy and making shopping experience attractive and creative can bring new customers to the brand, and can result in greater loyalty from existing customers.

Exploratory Data Analysis

By : Pragya Mishra

It is often believed that data science is made up of advanced statistical and machine learning techniques.
But another key element of any data science enterprise is often underestimated and overlooked: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Exploring the dataset using immensely in-depth and intuitive exploration techniques aids the choice of the path to follow for the project and select the suitable algorithms. This step aims to understand the dataset, identify the missing values & outliers if any using visual and quantitative methods to get a sense of the story it tells. It proposes logical next steps, questions or areas of research for your project. It is a crucial step in data mining. used for seeing what the data can tell us before the modeling task. It is not easy to look at a column of numbers or a whole spreadsheet and determine important characteristics of the data. It may be tedious, boring, and/or overwhelming to derive insights by looking at plain numbers. Exploratory data analysis techniques have been devised as an aid in this situation.

Steps in Data Exploration and Preprocessing:

  1. Identification of variables and data types
  2. Analyzing the basic metrics
  3. Non-Graphical Univariate Analysis
  4. Graphical Univariate Analysis(histograms and countplot)
  5. Bivariate Analysis
  6. Variable transformations
  7. Missing value treatment(using pandas functions)
  8. Outlier treatment(using boxplot)
  9. Correlation Analysis(through tools such as heatmap)

Identification of variables and data types

The very first step in analyzing exploratory data involves determining the type of variables in the dataset.

Categorical data – is a type of data that can be stored into groups or categories with the aid of names or labels. This grouping is usually made according to the data characteristics and similarities of these characteristics through a method known as matching.
Nominal data – This is the data type of categorical data that names or labels. Sometimes called naming data, it has characteristics similar to that of a noun.
Ordinal data – This type of categorical data includes elements that are ranked, ordered or have a rating scale attached. One can count and order, nominal data, but it can not be measured.
Numerical data – is a type of data that is expressed in terms of numbers rather than natural language descriptions. Similar to its name, numerical, it can only be collected in number form.

8Discrete Data – Discrete data is a type of numerical data with countable elements. I.e they have a one to one mapping with natural numbers. A discrete data can either be countably finite or countably infinite.
Continuous Data – Continuous is a numerical data type with uncountable elements. They are represented as a set of intervals on a real number line . Similar to discrete data, continuous data can also be either finite or infinite. Here are some simple snippets from my project on the Kaggle Breast Cancer Dataset.


Graphical Analysis


A countplot is kind of histogram or a bar graph for some categorical area. It simply shows the number of occurrences of an item based on a certain type of category. Here we have a countplot of the number patients with positive and negative diagnosis of breast cancer using seaborn in python.


A violin plot is a method of plotting numeric data. It is similar to a box plot, with the addition of a rotated kernel density plot on each side. Violin plots are similar to box plots, except that they also show the probability density of the data at different values, usually smoothed by a kernel density estimator.


Seaborn’s jointplot displays a relationship between 2 variables (bivariate) as well as 1D profiles (univariate) in the margins. This plot is a convenience class that wraps JointGrid. The multivariate normal distribution is a nice tool to demonstrate this type of plot as it is sampling from a multidimensional Gaussian and there is natural clustering.


Heatmap is defined as a graphical representation of data using colors to visualize the value of the matrix. In this, to represent more common values or higher activities brighter colors basically reddish colors are used and to represent less common or activity values, darker colors are preferred. Heatmap is also defined by the name of the shading matrix. Heatmaps in Seaborn can be plotted by using the seaborn.heatmap() function.

3D Printing

-Vignesh & Lokesh

It’s been sometime since this tech has been taking ground yet it feels that this piece of innovation is still in its primitive stage. Well, it’s not! Recently even houses are even built with this tech. Yah I’m talking about the 3D printing technology. Let’s look deep into what this technology is doing and why are people taking this as a new age invention.
To put it in simple words this tech is called additive manufacturing, yes, the same additive as addition in mathematics. Manufacturing usually happens with large number of labours, machinery, processes etc, while this innovation simplifies all these time-consuming process to 2 or 3 steps. Here the design of the product is creating digitally using a software and with various methods like SLA, DLD, FDM, SLS robots adds the raw material layer by layer until the design the formed as simulated using a software. And again, the reason of the widespread success is that it can be used irrespective of any raw materials.
Now let’s discuss how 3D Printing works in simple words
Step 1:
The first step is the preparation, which means you have to prepare the 3D design using a 3D scanner or software like CAD and have to create a digital file ready to be uploaded for printing. The 3D file can also be easily downloaded file in some online marketplace. These digital files are not any complex things these are just like any other file on the computer with a different extension to be used for 3D printing. Once the file is ready for printing, we can go to the second step.
Step 2:
It is the actual printing process. First, you need to choose which material will best achieve the specific properties required for your object. The variety of materials used in 3D printing is very broad. It includes plastics, ceramics, resins, metals, sand, textiles, biomaterials, glass, food and even lunar dust! Most of these materials also allow for plenty of finishing options that enable you to achieve the precise design result you had in mind, and some others, like glass for example, are still being developed as 3D printing material and are not easily accessible yet.
Step 3:
The last is the finishing process. This step requires specific skills and materials. When the object is first printed, often it cannot be directly used or delivered until it has been sanded, lacquered or painted to complete it as intended.
The material chosen for the project will determine which printing methods (as mentioned earlier) are most suitable.
Advantages of 3D printing
-Potentially reduces overall construction cost significantly
-Order of magnitude difference in overall construction time
-Brings down the related carbon footprint
-Increases productivity of labour involved
-Offers raw material flexibility/utilisation of eco-friendly materials.
Using this 3D technology almost production cost of almost all the fields can be reduced. It might be difficult to believe but it’s already there in almost every automation industry from food and textiles to avionics every field needs the expertise of 3D printing.
I believe these 3D printing is evolving to be something like cement in the 19th century where life would be difficult to imagine without that. In the urban compact housing problems can be easily addressed with this technology. Urban planning, medical construction needs which require precision and also speed can also be a beneficiary of these. I mean there is nothing that we could not imagine without the use of 3D printing.
So, to the civil engineer graduates you all have a great piece of technology waiting to embrace you with its innovation. I hope as a nation we use this effectively to progress our growth.

Rise and fall of Tech Gaint

By: Sanjana katoch,Subhajit Sikder

“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish” The line which
relish us with the essence to achieve something unique. Apple a name which cannot be forgotten even it is known as a tech giant of the world. The name might sound easier to pronounce but there were certain hurdles which this company faced. Rising falling and again rising is the reason which sets it apart from the rest of the world.

Founded in the year 1976 by energetic and enthusiastic youth Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne. To the surprise this company was started in Job’s garage and one thing to be noted that a half cut Apple logo was designed by Wayne. With full pomp and splendor Wozniak the wizard of engineering designed Apple -1. But as we say that all the glitters is not gold and hence the first product of Apple failed tremendously. Apple 1 did not do well because it mainly focused on hobbyists and that is why it was a huge break down. Dilapidated by the failure of the product Wayne left the company with a check of dollar 800.

But as it is said that trying again and again is a real possession. Job the mastermind tried with full energy to convince investor Mark Markulla. Mark was greatly impressed by Jobs that he invested dollar 250,000 into the company. So now the garage company was officially known as Apple Computer Inc. The two apple founders didn’t lose hope in these adversities and came with a new product that is Apple-2. Due to the visual calculator and new designs made it as one of the most selling products of Apple. In 1977 Apple got its first office and in 1980 it’s share skyrocketed. Apple was now set off to be as one of the fastest growing compony and was even listed in Forbes.

But this pursuit of happiness didn’t last for long because the next product of APPLE had to face humongous loss. LISA which was designed using Graphic User Interface was technically on key power but the prices of this product were overrated. Due to the goofing price of $10,000 which could only be afforded by a few and due to this reason, it didn’t do well in the market.

But as we know that Job never had a ‘give up’ attitude. He worked day and night, burned the midnight oil to design a new computer. It was named as Mackintosh. The only computer which revolutionized technical industry. Having features as same as Lissa and prices like Apple 2, made it an ideal operating system for the commoners. The launch of Mackintosh made the company to reach the greater heights. Apple now became the home company not only in America but also in the world.

Fall of Apple and Again Rise

Calling Scully was the major mistake of Jobs. Due to Scully the internal conflicts got heated and Job was stepped down from the board of Directors and even from the post of Chief Executive Officer. Imagine the situation and catalogue of thoughts happening in the mind of Jobs. He nurtured the company with his heart as well as soul and now he was thrown out of the position.

Scully continued to hold the regime of Apple but the company shared got down to dollar 6 . Macs and Message Pads launched, were also not able to do well in the market. He was set in motion to bring new products in the market but that were not satisfying the needs of customer. Even the rate of the product was quite high which resulted the company market value to degrade day by day.

Jobs on the other sider after being fired from his own company started PIXAR and Next. His brand-new company did exceptionally well that at the end Apple bought Next and the position of CEO was given back to Jobs. Now the command of future of Apple was in the hands of Jobs. Many products were launched by Apple but the company achieved vigorous height from iPod. The advertisement of iPod “Thousand songs in your pocket” caught the eyes of many. This product played a role in increasing company’s share and made its mark in the world. But as we know the other name of Apple is innovation. So let us dive into the innovative ideas of Apple.

Do u know who launched first touch pad phone? It was none other than Apple. The visionary Jobs thought to use thumb as a mouse and this innovative idea brought the great revolution in mobile industry. Now u can witness how this smartphone became part and parcel of our life. Apple didn’t stop here it continued to launch smart TV, smart watches, tablets and MacBook. All this was welcomed well and enjoyed by the customers.

Apple could not reach the zenith of success without the hard work of team, leadership of visionary Steve Jobs and due to his strong belief system, that Apple needs to be the eminent company. To end this roller coaster journey of Apple I would like to tell a small story of Steve Jobs. The story which could inspire people and make them believe that one needs a clear vision in order to make once business successful.

So the story goes like this during the designing of iPhone Job wanted one of thinnest and slickest phone. But his workers told that they can’t reduce the size. So, in this situation what one can do? May be leave or launch the product. But Job was different he threw the phone in aquarium and told ” The air bubbles are coming out of the phone which means there is enough space and the phone prototype will only be accepted once the bubbles are stopped”. You might call him crazy but he was the father of a revolutionary technology and a person who made Apple’s share reach from $6 to $189 million.

At last, to end the Rise of Giants the quote from Apple Think Different campaign 2007
Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently, they are not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to any online marketing efforts or assets. Digital marketing is like any other type of marketing—it’s a way to connect with and influence your potential customers. The major difference is, you connect with and influence those customers online. There are also a range of social media management tools that help businesses to get the most out of the social media platforms.
Since everyone from kids to adults are always stuck on their mobile phones using one or the other social media platform, digital marketing has bloomed over the years.
The types of digital marketing include:
• Search Engine Optimization: Search engines such as Google and Bing use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting them in an index.
Next, algorithms analyse pages in the index, taking into account hundreds of ranking factors or signals, to determine the order pages should appear in the search results for a given query.

• Pay-per-Click: This has become quite a trend in recent times. Pay-per-click is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher(usually google or any site in which their ad is displayed) when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines.

• Social Media Marketing: This refers to roping in influencers on Instagram to advertising products on YouTube ads. This includes everything a business does via social media channels.

• Content Marketing: Content marketing uses storytelling and information sharing to increase brand awareness. Usually, people blog about their experiences about a particular product and create awareness about it. This way they generate buzz about the product and also assure reliability about the product.

• Email Marketing: This is an age-old digital marketing technique and has been around sine emails were invented. Even with the emergence of social media, mobile applications and other channels, email is still one of the most effective marketing techniques since we will be sending updates, alerts to customers already registered on our website.

• Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as when a customer walks into a store or enters an event.

• Marketing Analytics: One of the major advantages of digital marketing is that it is highly trackable and measurable. You can use analytics tool to check the reach of our advertisement.
Once, the only trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers, wherein they would understand if a customer used that coupon or not by checking the status of the coupon.
Today, analytics allow marketers to track user behaviour at a highly detailed level: how many times they click on a link, how much time they spend on a web page, how often they open emails, and much more. But the vast amount of information available about digital marketing performance can feel like drinking from a fire hose, and marketers must be able to truly understand what the data mean and how they should inform strategy.

Advertising changes after technology:

Initially advertising was carried out via cheesy infomercials on radio, fuzzy old televisions, and billboards.

In 1993, the first clickable banner went live, after which HotWired purchased a few banner ads for their advertising.

The digital marketing world saw its first sharp surge in 2006 when search engine traffic was said to have grown to about 6.4 billion in a single month. Not one to get left behind, Microsoft put MSN on the backburner and launched Live Search to compete with Google and Yahoo.

Google began to expand, introducing such products as AdWords, which are 3 line ads that show up at the top or to the right of search engine results, and AdSense -which is a cost-per-click advertising scheme.

In time, Google realized the value of analyzing the content they received and then target ads based on the interests of the users, and thus became a major player in the world of business.

The cookie was another important milestone in the digital marketing industry. Advertisers had begun to look for other ways to capitalize on the fledgling technology.

Marketing technologies:

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
It is a common component of many tools today, enabling marketers to streamline processes, analyze data, and optimize campaigns. This has spawned the term ‘AI marketing.

Low code:
This is a practice that encourages marketers to learn enough about coding systems that they can fully maximize use of their tools. This relies on applications or platforms that provide for the use of visual modelling rather than written code. Drag-and-drop page builders fall under this category.

Conversion Optimization Tools:
Conversion optimization tools enable you to dig deeply into visitors’ data and refine all aspects of your business. For this, you’ll need adequate analytical skills to ensure you’re testing exactly what you need to and so you don’t form incorrect conclusions from your tests.

Analytics Reports: This helps marketers understand the visitors needs, track and analyse our campaigns. Research says that 40% of marketers regularly need to analyze data and consider analytical skills.

Analytics is used to interpret the data and use it to implement targeted ads across websites, ecommerce sales are monitored, and even the performance of your email campaigns can be boiled down to a set of numbers.

Various analytics tools:

• Google Analytics
• Email sender analytics
• Social media.

Products marketed digitally are now available to customers at all times. Statistics collected by the Marketingtechblog for 2014 show that posting on social media is the top online activity in the US.
Nothing these days is possible without technology, be it making a phone call, analysing data to formulate strategies for our company or even hiring candidates for a job. Technology has become a omnipresent force and dictates the way things function. The mantra these days is to keep learning and keep improving and be the next change.

Advent Of AI in modern weather forecasts and gaming technology

Travelling back two-three decades, the world was completely different, with less damage to earth and more nature involved climate change was unheard, which now is a reality. Weather forecasting was something that farmers and many villagers predicted without attending any school, later with the changing complexity due to industrial revolution, the computers and few devices took over. Now there are serious threats to our environment which requires complex computing for accurate prediction of weather. That takes us to the use of artificial intelligence in weather forecasting.
When floods and hurricanes personify unwanted guests that come often meteorologists tried their best to provide 100 % accuracy but couldn’t succeed much. Many big IT companies started investing more in AI, IOT and other modern tech to find a solution to tackle nature’s rampage and found some solution to get 100% accuracy.
Well, the traditional models of weather forecasting are based on statistical data measures of numeric models, and also it does not give specific answers. The data collected can be from deep space satellites (e.g.,INSAT), weather balloons, radar systems, traditional weather gauges nowcasting weather warnings and environmental analytics and sometimes from IoT based sensors. But with ever-increasing data set, climate change, changing atmospheric conditions, the accuracy of the predictions tend to fluctuate, especially for more extended time periods. This is where AI can prove an asset in augmenting the accuracy and formulating reliability of the weather forecasting as well reducing the workload on the human forecasters.
The AI predictions are fundamentally based on machine learning algorithms. By processing more complex data in a shorter timespan using linear regression principles meteorologists can make predictions with improved accuracy and thus saves lives and money. Machine learning can abet with other forecasts as well, including temperature, wave height, and precipitation. One such popular model is the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). The model studies and manipulates vast data sets relayed from weather satellites, relay stations, and radiosondes to deliver short-term weather forecasts or long-term climate predictions. Other AI techniques for weather predictions are Artificial Neural Network, Ensemble Neural Network, Backpropagation Network, Radial Basis Function Network, General Regression Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Multilayer Perceptron, Fuzzy clustering.
Back in 1996, IBM was one of the first companies to use computer systems to improve predictions about the weather. After purchasing The Weather Company in 2016 and its properties, including, Weather Underground, the Weather Company Brand, and WSI, IBM plans to use Weather Company’s extensive data set with IBM Watson’s advanced cognitive computing capabilities and Cloud platform to transform the weather forecasting sector to a more advanced entity in future.
Google also have developed an AI forecast tool that is based on the UNET convolutional neural network (CNN). It allows researchers to generate accurate rainfall predictions six hours ahead of when the precipitation occurs.
The Government of India do have a successful intra-governmental SAAS ecosystem for its own use. It uses Earth’s observation and meteorological data from indigenously built remote sensing satellites for agriculture advancements in the country. Fundamental to this governmental ecosystem which supports the government is the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which builds satellites and payloads and processes the satellite data. ISRO distributes volumes of state-specific satellite data to independent governing bodies within all state governments known as the State Remote Sensing Application Centres (SRSACs). The SRSACs receive vast volumes of ISRO satellite data ranging from multispectral, cartographic and radar imaging and meteorological observations and forecasting applications. The SRSACs process and analyse the satellite data and share it with all ministries and departments of state governments among others.
The weather forecasting features of AI are many times higher. This is now an important asset in disaster management to logistics and retail industry to modern agriculture. In future with advancement in tech, we can use it for radar imagery to detect storm centres, high precipitation in the world and seasons. But one should not neglect the fact that despite boosting the accuracy levels, weather forecasting can never be a hundred percent perfect. The main idea is to overcome the current limitations in the prediction and analysis process, which is where AI is filling the gaps and this process will continue all the way.
When there was weather forecasting bloomed with the help of AI there was another field which became an allrounder in terms of education, entertainment and also to economy which was none other than gaming technology. Ever wondered how gaming graphics work? How the dynamic 3D and RPG games emerged? Nerdy gamers, take a deep breath to dive into the intricacy of games!

When we catch a glimpse at the evolution of gaming, it has actually advanced over the years with as early as 1950s chess and checkers written on a computer program to the real outbreak of video games came with the game pong and space war in the early 70s. Back in the era, Discrete Logic took over Artificial Intelligence as most games involved a non-playing character (NPC), whose activity was not in the control of the user, but stored patterns which had specific outcomes. Finite State Algorithm (FSI) was used in 1990s. Monte Carlo Search Tree (MCST) algorithm was used in Deep Blue, the first computer program to defeat a human chess champion in 1997. To accomplish the demand for single player or multi player concept, AI bloomed in gaming industry. The release of Pacman marked the beginning of the gaming industry towards the cutting-edge technology. Maze games were on peak during the past.
In the current scenario, it is quite difficult to outdo computer as an opponent since it’s AI based which has been trained on data-based patterns. Therefore, AI is basically the brain of the game. The AI algorithms are primarily used to generate responses based on user inputs. Since, perspectives and actions vary from an individual to other, a set of responses with various difficulty levels are generated which would make intelligent comebacks based on them. The data collected from the user interactions with the AI is a trailblazing opportunity to understand human interactions with system through which it could be concluded how human brains respond to different simulations in various conditions which go well with the machines too. Games like AI Dungeon, Magium, The Infinite Story, Cataclysm DDA etc enable players to design their own tales and paths from apocalyptic situations and encountering thrilling adventures.
In the near future, almost all games would be based on ML algorithms. The intensity of game levels will change after every gameplay like a suspense thriller movie. Gaming experience will take a sharp turn with the further enhancement of precocious hardware tactics, AI concepts like Augmented Reality (3D graphics fit real life environment into the screen) and Virtual Reality (making the user experience an artificial environment with apparently real objects) to increase quality of user experience. Personalized aura is likely to outdo stereotyped algorithms. In the words of John Fremont, there is no one thing that defines AI. It is a tapestry of modern intelligent technologies knit together in a strategic fashion that can then uplift and create a knowledge base that is automated where one can extrapolate findings from there.

AI Ethics

Most of us living today have begun to realize the importance of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives and with technology evolving at its current rate, we’ve also begun to realize its growing importance in our society. However, we need to be careful when dealing with and developing AI to avoid a possible Skynet-like scenario in the not-so-distant future. So the topic of AI ethics comes into play now more than ever. We need a set of rules to define how we develop Ai technologies that can allow us to reap its numerous benefits and prevent the possible disadvantages especially since we are living in a time where the possibility of harm in AI has to be addressed as soon as possible. To dive into these topics we first need a clear understanding of what exactly is meant by AI ethics? Artificial Intelligence ethics, or AI ethics, comprise a set of values, principles, and techniques which employ widely accepted standards of right and wrong to guide moral conduct in the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence technologies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are dramatically changing and influencing our society. Applying principles of AI ethics to the design and implementation of algorithmic or intelligent systems and AI projects in the public sector is paramount. AI ethics will guarantee that the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence are ethical, safe, and uttermost responsible. Why do we need AI ethics in an age where we feel that machines can be impartial and rule without any biases or impunity? Well here are some of the numerous reasons why.
One of the fields where we’ve seen a rise in the use case of AI in the field of facial and voice recognition systems. These have many practical real-world applications. However, these systems could be vulnerable to biases and errors introduced by their human creators. Despite the intelligence is artificial, the creator is ultimately human and he or she is bound to err in some way or the other whether deliberate or unintentional. Another source of bias could be the data that is used to train these AI systems in the first place. For example, facial recognition algorithms made by Microsoft, IBM, and Face++ all had biases when it came to detecting people’s gender. These AI systems were able to detect the gender of white men more accurately than the gender of darker skin men. Further, a 2020 study reviewed voice recognition systems from Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, and Microsoft found that they have higher error rates when transcribing black people’s voices than white people’s. Furthermore, Amazon terminated their use of AI hiring and recruitment because the algorithm favored male candidates over female ones. This was because Amazon’s system was trained with data collected over the 10-year period that came mostly from male candidates. As evidence from these examples biases can creep into advanced algorithms in many ways making it near impossible to have a clear unbiased view.
There are multiple more cases where it is extremely easy for AI to go rogue and bring forth tremendous destruction in our civilisation. Hence it is our duty as a technologically advanced species to hold AI ethics to its highest standard when progressing in this field as humanitys greatest boon can turn out to be it’s greatest bane.


The potential of renewable energy is immense”, says Tulsi Tanti, Founder, Chairman, and Managing Director of Suzlon Group. Energy is important for anything to exist in this universe. Sun’s energy is essential for life to sustain itself on earth. Energy is required for the functioning of a normal washing machine at homes to the movement of humongous ships in the sea. Coal, Petroleum, and other forms of non-renewable resources are major contributors to energy production. So, can we rely on these resources forever to obtain energy?

According to studies, we will run out of fossil fuels in the next half a century if we continue to use them at the same pace. To tackle the energy demand, we have learned to harvest energy from nature. One such form of energy is wind energy. Have you ever seen a windmill? Standing at a height of about 280-330 feet, these giants are used to produce wind energy with the help of huge blades that starts to rotate when the wind speed reaches 9mph and work at full capacity when the wind speed is 30mph. These windmills have their limitations just like the other forms. Limitations like windmills can be used to harness wind energy only at certain locations, wind speed should reach the threshold speed for the turbines to rotate, the possibility of lightning striking the windmill, etc. demands a better method to harvest the wind energy.
What are we going to do?
One among thousands of nuisances in the world for humans is traffic. More than two billion cars run on roads globally and are one of the main reasons for air pollution. What if you are told that these cars that are responsible for one of the biggest nuisances to humans, the traffic can be used to harvest the wind energy. Yes, it is possible. These cars are causes for wind turbulence on roads which can be used to generate wind energy. How can we accumulate wind energy using the traffic? Small wind turbines that have productive designs can be installed on roads to capture a considerable amount of wind. The wind turbines placed on roadsides or the medians can gather wind from both sides of the road and have the potential to generate a huge amount of power. High-speed vehicles on the highways are a good source to collect the wind. The design of these wind turbines should be different from the conventional form of turbines, the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT). HAWT is impotent in collecting wind from all directions. As every vehicle on the roads offers an intermittent source of wind energy, the wind turbine’s design must include storage of power and a system to effectively distribute the power. Hence a practical design that is environmentally friendly, easy to install, has high wind collecting capacity from all sides is required to harvest the unused wind energy on roads. A Vertical Wind Turbine is a preferable design because they are proficient in collecting wind from all directions and we can easily install parts like the generator and a battery to store the energy generated from rotating these turbines. Savonius, Darrieus, Giromill, Gorlav Helical are various kinds of vertical turbine designs. Among the four Helical turbine design is preferred due to its efficiency in collecting wind from all directions. Countries like Scotland and China are investing in technologies of such kind that produce cleaner energy. Many companies are working to develop an efficient wind turbine that can be used to capture the wind on the sides of the road. One such turbine is invented by Sanwal Muneer. Muneer’s turbine is made of recyclable carbon and is 8′ tall and weighs around 9 kg. The lightweight of the turbine makes it easy to transport and install. The motive behind developing this turbine is to supply power to the rural regions and power traffic lights. Wind turbines that are designed by TAK studio are used to power the highway lights.
So, are these wind turbines flawless? Are there no limitations with using these traffic-powered wind turbines?
Wolfgang Riebe said No one is perfect…. that’s why pencils have erasers. These wind turbines have certain drawbacks. A large number of such wind turbines are to be installed to produce a large amount of energy and to not waste any wind turbulence produced by the vehicles. Hence, they are expensive. Safety of vehicles should be ensured as any flaw while installing the turbines could be dangerous for the vehicles, especially the high-speed vehicles on the highways. Despite these limitations, wind turbines that are rotated by the artificial wind along with natural wind are better than conventional windmills.

Revolution of such kind in the energy sector is a step closer to achieving sustainable development. In addition to vehicles moving on roads any other moving vehicle such as the rides in the amusement park that produce wind turbulence can also be used to power these turbines. From causing an inconvenience on roads, tens of thousands of these vehicles are now about to bring a huge change in the energy sector providing clean energy to humans. Perhaps we can use these wind turbines in the automobile industry to shift from petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles to these turbines powered automobiles. Maybe one of our readers can bring the change. Are you the one?

AI : Lightning up our lives

What is A.I. ? Will A.I. take over the world? Why should it matter to me? These are the few questions that will pop up in every curious mind out there who listens to the term Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI. Well, if we go by the book, the definition of AI seems boring and often discourages the reader to delve further into the topic so today we will try to understand the basics of AI lucidly and effectively i.e. using a case study.

The simplest definition of AI which can be given without losing its essence is:

Artificial intelligence is the process of TEACHING the machine and the machine becoming SMART.

Our case study begins in a small town in southern India named Madurai. Ms Shanthi, 63 lives there with her family. For the past year, she has been constantly complaining about her Eyesight. She says that she is not able to see things clearly.

She lives in a rural area where getting access to a doctor is not an easy task. One has to take the day off from fields, travel to the city on a train or city, get to the primary healthcare centre and wait. She gets her appointment there and is suspected of Diabetic retinopathy but to confirm this suspicion She is referred to an ophthalmologist. As per official statistics, there are about 18,000 ophthalmologists in the country, the no. may sound convincing but the harsh truth is, it’s not. With such a large population, there are only 11 ophthalmologists per Million persons in India. So she has to wait. This wait could be anywhere between 2 days or 2 months, nobody knows.

Meanwhile, let us discuss Diabetic retinopathy. It’s a dangerous but preventable disease, caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye (retina). If went undiagnosed it could lead to irreversible blindness and the only form of treatment available for this is early detection and surgery.

But how will this be possible when there are only 11 ophthalmologists per million patients in India?

This is where Artificial Intelligence comes to the rescue.

Remember those colourfully-lit weighing machines on railway platforms that would take a coin and give out a small cardboard ticket with the person’s weight and fortune? The Chief Medical Officer at Madurai’s Aravind Eye Hospital (AEH), Dr Ramasamy Kim, uses this analogy to explain how people could get a preliminary eye check-up done instead of visiting an ophthalmologist in the future.

“In one look, the machine will predict the condition of the retina and advise on the next step of action in seconds,” he says. All thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) in ophthalmology. He has been working on the technology with Google since 2013.

“The impact,” he says, “will be seen in patient care and diabetes management.” He imagines a scenario where the scope of algorithms on smartphones will not require the consumer to even go near a machine. “People can take selfies of the eye on their phone cameras and have instant access to ophthalmic care.”

But how is the AI involved?

Step 1: Collecting and analysing the Data

Dr Kim has spent the last four years working on 10,000 retinal images, drawing every lesion, distinctive spots, bleeding in the retina due to diabetes that could occur in various permutations and combinations, to help Google develop the algorithm that would recognise the signs of the disease early.

Google has created a database of 1,28,000 images from different sight centres around the globe, including two more in India — Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai and Narayana Nethralaya in Bengaluru.

Step 2: Creating An Algorithm

“If the captured image of the eye shows negative for DR, then the person will be advised to rescreen after 12 months. And in case of a positive result, the person would be asked to see an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and immediate treatment,” explains Dr Kim.

Step 3: Machine Learning

Now the machine works on the created algorithm and decides if the person has Diabetic retinopathy or not and it’s all done by the machine so here are we teaching a machine and machine becoming smart. Now the machine can work automatically without any human assistance.

Step 4: Deep Learning

Based on the images which have been collected now the machine also tries to recognise patterns and predict other ailments besides Diabetic retinopathy by collecting more data and start analysing and relating patterns. Google has already débuted an algorithm to 97% accuracy that can identify a person’s age, sex, ethnicity and smoking status and predict the five-year risk of a heart attack, all based on retinal imagery. The AI for DR is 87% sensitive and 90% specific for detecting more than mild diabetic retinopathy.

“The AI will throw up huge numbers and accurately spot the vision status and detect multiple problems or vision-killing conditions. It only means I will get many more patients to treat and reduce the several rounds of redundant tests.” Says Dr Kim.

By studying this case study I hope that these 3 terms namely Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Machine learning are now clear to the reader.

When a person can avoid hospital visits up to the stage of detection of DR, it may appear healthcare is lending itself to the risk of machine calculations instead of relying on human knowledge and experience. But Dr Kim argues in favour of using technology effectively and efficiently in times when computers are available everywhere and to everybody but healthcare is not.

From June this year, Aravind Hospital started supplementing its DR grading process with the Google AI “The results are accurate,” says Dr Kim, who is now working on 60,000 retinal images for matching the grading results from the machine and the human eye to fine-tune the algorithm.


Though the challenge of a machine may lie in any false-negative and deprive a patient of consultation, Dr Kim says AI is superior to anything that he has seen in DR screening. “The machine can see something beyond the human eye,” he says, “and as a doctor, my only interest is in getting a greater number of patients at an early detected stage for successful treatment.”

“Collaboration is how everyone, every species here gets to advance. We generally say 1 and 1 makes 11 But here we are collaborating a machine that has the power to revolutionise the whole world ”

A.I is not here to Replace Humans. It’s here to enhance us! But the single most important question which we have to ask ourselves is ‘How ready are we to embrace it ?’

Semiconductor Hunt across the globe

If we take a pause and look deep in to our tech world what do we see, many people desperately making what’s a distant future seem tomorrow, artificial intelligence and robotics taking over the world and  many  new innovations that makes world even smaller.  And everything that we thought we could just imagine is becoming a reality because of one invention, transistors. Today as we all know a global pandemic destroyed every sector so it even had great impact on the semiconductor sector which is an integral part of what we call a tech all-rounder.

Semiconductors are everywhere from electronics to cars and mobile phones. With the economic collapse world-wide due to the pandemic the chips demands fell and by the time demands rose the production was less. Why do you think this technology which aged well over 60 years is facing a shortage which led to various car makers and smart phone companies to halt their production or increase their price? And where do India stand in this?

This problem arose due to two major reasons:

1.Bad supply chain management

2.Geo-political tensions

Major companies that use these semiconductor-based devices are situated in countries like USA, Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan. For a long time, many tech giants like Nvidia, Qualcomm and Intel used to design and manufacture chips on their own but later on they decided to outsource the manufacturing to countries like Taiwan, China and Japan and improve their design. Even though the USA accounts for more than 50% of their sales only 12% are their own manufactured chips. America is more of design dominance which requires engineering excellence which are high paying jobs, in order to reduce cost of manufacturing they outsourced the jobs to countries like China, Taiwan and Japan where they are more skilled labourers for less wage than USA. Due to ongoing trade war between USA and China experts fear that China might absorb Taiwan and impose an embargo on TSMC which is the largest semiconductor manufacturing company in the world. If this problem has to be resolved from roots, the American and European government can ask for companies like TSMC and Samsung to diversify their manufacturing bases to USA as it can be more efficient and reliable. But this seems it involve a potential political risk and can cost billions of dollars which makes the government and companies think twice meanwhile lead to confusion and shortage of semiconductors.

The supply chain management has been one of the major issues that led to this shortage. Recently, The American President Joe Biden signed an executive order to review the short-term semiconductor shortages and provide a possible solution for the whole electronic industry hit problem. His order also includes to provide incentives to manufacture these devices in the USA. Meanwhile the companies have asked for funding to innovate and for infrastructural demands to be met for manufacturing plants to be established.

Now the real question arises what does an Indian really have to do with all these data? If we look at it the semiconductor industry is dominated by East Asia and few players from America and Europe. When it comes to semiconductors India is nowhere in the race, that  demands high imports which indirectly means higher cost borne by the consumer. If this semiconductor shortage is creating a ruckus in US, it definitely is going to affect the prices of imported products and in terms of electronics almost 75% are imported which may lead to uncontrolled inflation.

Considering semiconductors, India is aiming to be a key player in automobile and smart phone manufacturing and seeing the upsurge in number of start-ups based on electric vehicles and electronics a semiconductor manufacturing base is crucial for the country.

This semiconductor industry has got a huge potential in terms of market value. The semiconductors are emerging valuable commodities as the demand for electric cars and green energy grew every device is some way or other is depended on semiconductors. With investments of few billion dollars today it might be worth around 100 billion dollars by 2025-26. This investment has huge scope not just for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ but also can emerge as global supplier. India has been dependent on east Asia for quite a long time, to become a key player in electronic this industry has to be established.

Many experts believe that setting up manufacturing bases in India is surely difficult but not impossible as it used to be. It is manly because India is a master at semiconductor chip design but not in manufacturing. This was mainly due to huge infrastructural requirements and a cost of around 10 Billion dollars of requirement for production and maintenance of devices each year. But now the economy grew and India can establish semiconductor fabrication units or Fab units. This investment is worthy because it can give employment to around 1 million middle class society to thrive up and reduce unemployment. Considering the population of the country grooming skilled work force will not be a big issue. And a few infrastructural developments make way for it. Considering geo-political issues of USA and china trade war and china’s aggression towards Japan and the newly formed Quad alliance, setting up of a fab unit attracts investments from potential countries like USA, Japan, South Korea etc. With proper public-private partnerships the reality of fab units in India is possible.

If this comes into reality Indian economy is going to receive a major boost considering the talent here. The only thing that we lack now is start-ups which are ready to take lead in R&D and manufacturing based idea that take responsibility of such a major change.

If you are here  to become an engineer try your luck in becoming an  Entrepreneur, Are you up for the challenge??