Humanity vs AI (Feat. DOTA 2)

Ever since back in 1956, in a workshop in Dartmouth College, from where AI is assumed to have emerged as a field, there was a question that nagged at the minds of people who were working on AI. A question that gave rise to one of the best action movies of all time. Will AI trump humans? Will the machines end up winning?

People have spoken both for and against humanity in this debate. An example being Jack Ma, the co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group.

The Chinese entrepreneur said he was “quite optimistic” about AI and thought it was nothing for “street smart” people like them to be scared of. Jack Ma firmly believes that AI will never triumph over Human Heart. 

On the flipside, Billionaire entrepreneur, engineer and philanthropist Elon Musk disagreed and claimed that AI will be ‘vastly smarter’ than any human and would overtake us by 2025. He went on to call AI a potential existential threat to humanity.

Here we not talk about Mr. Musk who after expressing his opinions about AI decided to create a company to study AI. Enter OpenAI the star of the show. OpenAI states that their mission is to ensure that Artificial General Intelligence benefits all of humanity AGI is the hypothetical intelligence of a machine that has the capacity to understand or learn any intellectual task that human being can. AKA Strong AI or Full AI.

Now this is where it gets really interesting. Defense of The Ancients 2 is one of the most popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games in existence. It involves players choosing a ‘hero’ from among a pool of over 115 heroes each with it’s unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses.  Every year Valve hosts a tournament in which the best teams in the world participate competing for the Grand prize and the chance to host the Aegis of the Immortal. This tournament named The International has the biggest prize pool in the history of E-Sports. TI9 in 2019 hard a prize pool of over 34 million dollars.

Back in 2017 at the opening ceremony of TI7 the crowd was riled up way more than ever before as they were gonna experience something for the first time in DOTA history. 

Danil “Dendi” Ishutin is one of the most loved personalities in the DOTA Pro circuit; His team Natus Vincere has won the first TI ever hosted. Dendi was challenged by the open AI team to one versus one showdown at TI7. Dendi vs OpenAI Bot. Now, since DOTA requires long term strategic planning & execution, it is a classical nightmare for AI. However, with the crowd cheering, the DOTA Community saw their champion fail. This was the first time this had ever happened.

Now, an AI performing as good as an average human player or even an above average one would have been a feat in itself, however, beating a professional who was among the top percentile of players in the world; who had spent over 12,000 hours playing the game was completely different.

However, DOTA is a team game. It is played with 5 people facing 5 other people. Beating one guy, however impressive that may be, was still beating one guy. 

Then, in 2018, while the Community was still reeling from Dendi’s loss, OpenAI challenged the then TI winning World Champion team, OG to a match of DOTA. Not some 1 vs 1 challenge, no. This was the real deal. An actual 5 vs 5 game of DOTA 2. What happened next sent everyone reeling. It was gonna be a best of 3 series. 

Many thought that the World Champions each of whom having played over 10 thousand games of DOTA over the course of their whole lives might have an edge over the bot who had one year. These people were in for a rude awakening. It was later revealed that the bot had played millions and millions of matches against itself, learning and improving all the while. 

Then came the night of the series.


Just after choosing their heroes, the bots, dubbed OpenAI 5, declared that their estimated win probability to be 67.6%. This was just based on the hero choices made by the AI. In the beginning, it seemed as if the Bots were roaming around the map aimlessly and making random rather questionable plays which even professional casters weren’t able to justify. They were playing extremely aggressively and at about 18 minutes into game 1, the stats made it clear that both the teams were doing about equally well, in fact, OG was at a slight advantage. Then, at this time, the bots declared that they had a win probability of over 95% at that point. This didn’t make sense to anyone at that time, but, to the bots, the game was as good as won. And then, as if to prove their point, in the very next engagement between the 2 teams, the bots wiped out 4 out of 5 players of OG and then declared that their win probability were now over 99% and shortly after, they won game 1. It became apparent that there was a method to their madness. 


After the hero draft itself, the AI declared a win probability of over 60%. Then, turning up the heat, just 5 minutes into the game, declared a win probability of over 80%, which escalated to 90% by the 8-and-a-half-minute mark. 30 seconds later, it was over 95%. Topson, one of the players of OG even stopped playing for the last few minutes of the game, knowing the hopelessness of the situation. 

Playing aggressively, the AI won just 21 minutes into the game, winning game 2 and hence, the series.

Later, one of the core members of OpenAI team said in an interview that in the millions of games the AI has played, it has learnt to extremely accurately predict whether an engagement was going to result advantageously for it or not. Meaning, if upon being engaged, it fights back, instead of attempting an escape, you will lose the fight.

The Progress in AI is astounding. Even though the Artificial Intelligence we have now is a long way from Artificial General Intelligence, OpenAI, Google’s AlphaGo and AphaZero are extremely promising.

Although the debate that whether developing AI will lead to the Skynet Scenario is still ongoing, the best and brightest minds are working to make sure that AT benefits humanity. 

What the future holds, only time will tell.

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Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology was first introduced in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, two researchers who wanted to implement a system where document details could not be tampered with. But it wasn’t until almost two decades later, with the launch of Bitcoin in January 2009, that blockchain had its first real-world application.

Block chain technology, in simple words, is a distributed ledger that records information on digital assets. Block chain is literally a chain of blocks, but in the case of block chain network, here a block means digital information and chain refers to the public database where the information is stored.

Block chain consists of blocks that store information about the transactions like the amount of purchase, date and time etc.

Blocks also store information about who is participating in the transactions but instead of storing the actual name, the purchase is recorded in such a way that there is no identifying information using a digital signature type of username.

Blocks store information in a way that distinguishes them from other blocks. Just as each of our names distinguish us from one another, each block has a code called hash that sets it apart from other blocks.

No block can have the same hash code as another block. Hashes are cryptographic codes that are created by special algorithms.

 For example, after making your first purchase, you decide to make a second one while the first one is in transit. Now, even though the details of your purchase will look nearly identical to your previous one we can still distinguish the blocks because of their unique hash codes.

While the above example tells that block stores the details of a single purchase, the reality is different. A single block can store up to 1MB of data. That means a single block can house a few thousand transactions under one roof.

When the block stores data it is added to the end of the block chain. But for that first 4 things need to happen:

1.A transaction must occur.

2.The transaction details must be verified with information available in public platforms. In block chain this is done by a network of computers. When you make your purchase, that network of computers rushes to check that your transaction happened in the way you said it did. That is, they confirm the details of the purchase, including the transaction’s time, amount, and participants of the transaction.

3.That transaction must be stored in a block with the digital signature, amount of transaction.

4.Now the block must be given hash code so that it can be distinguished from others. Once the block is hashed, it can be added to the end of block chain. When that new block is added to the blockchain, it becomes publicly available for anyone to view.

Each computer in the blockchain network has its own copy of the blockchain, which means that there are thousands of copies of the same blockchain. Although each copy of the blockchain is identical, spreading that information across a network of computers makes the information more difficult to manipulate. With blockchain, there isn’t a single, definitive account of events that can be manipulated. Instead, a hacker would need to manipulate every copy of the blockchain on the network. This is what is meant by blockchain being a “distributed” ledger. So the hacker has to manipulate every single block after the one which he wanted to change.

Recalculating all those hashes would take an enormous and improbable amount of computing power. In other words, once a block is added to the blockchain it becomes very difficult to edit and impossible to delete.

To address the issue of trust, block chain has implemented tests for computers that want to join the block chain network. One of them is proof of work system.

In proof of network system, the computers have to solve a complex mathematical problem in order to prove themselves. If a computer solves the problem it becomes eligible to add a block to the block chain network. Although this sounds very simple, in reality only one in 15.5 trillion, as of January 2020, were able to solve the problem.

The goal of blockchain is to allow digital information to be recorded and distributed, but not edited.

The blockchain network discourages the existence of multiple blockchains through a process called consensus. In the presence of multiple copies of the blockchain, the consensus protocol will adopt the longest chain available. More users on a blockchain mean that the blocks can be added to the end of the chain quicker. According to that logic, the blockchain of record will always be the one that most users trust. The block chain network stands to make every business and government operations more efficient, accurate and secure.

IOT in Agriculture

Do you check your smart band for the amount of calories you burnt or ask Alexa or Siri to calculate values which means you are using IoT internet of thing) technology? What exactly is IoT in simple terms? Internet controlling things with the population about to hit 9.6 billion by 2050 and the pressure on agriculture to feed the growing population of the world. Threats like weather change, pests, diseases and many physical conditions and also demand for more productivity but the problem with traditional methods can’t satisfy the needs. Smart farming is the need of the hour and what exactly is smart farming?  Smart farming is a capital-intensive and hi-tech system of growing food cleanly and sustainable for the masses. IoT devices are smart devices which can transfer data over network.

The term IoT was coined in 1999 but it was really born in the period of 2008 and 2009 and by 2050 it is believed that the no. of devices connected to internet is supposed to hit 50 billion. First used IoT device was a coke vending machine in 1982 to report whether the drinks were cool and also the number of drinks in the machine but the first ever IoT used in agriculture is a Thermostat. There are many devices used in agriculture like weeding machines, drones, sensors, computer imaging, machine navigation, material handling which are based on IoT.

Weeding robots use the pictures captured and compare the weeds in their database and spray them directly with their robotic arms and considered to be a boon to the environment since farmers spread the pesticides throughout the land degrading the soil. Machine navigation is another topic all are familiar with just like toy cars but in the bigger sense agriculture machines are equipped with sensors, precis GPS and machine learning for self-driving capability and precision farming with computer imaging eliminating the labour intensive tasks. Their moments and efficiency can be controlled using a smartphone, where the captured pictures are sent to cloud by the robot in which the entire database is present and hence the processing takes place. Use of cloud services provide analysis of the complete data exported from it.

Harvesting robotics is another IoT are used for picking fruits and vegetables with their image processing and robotic hands eliminating the problem of labour shortage. They can determine the stage of the crop and harvest them accordingly. Sensors play an important role in agriculture and there are many kinds of sensors including sunlight, humidity, moisture, light, soil, CO2 where all the sensor data is transferred to a microcontroller through which is transferred to a cloud. Combination of data coming from diverse sensors and data exchange allows to build crop models—prediction of how the crop will grow in the given conditions, practice precision farming relying on sensor and satellite data, build harvesting strategy.

One of the major industry to incorporate drones is agriculture industry and they are equipped with cameras and sensors which are used for mapping, surveying and imaging the farms. There are two types of drones namely are ground based drones and aerial drones. From the drone, insights are drawn depicting crop health, irrigation requirements, spraying, planting, soil fertility and yield prediction. Actuators are used by different agricultural machines for many purposes. Actuators are used in sprinklers height and angle of the nozzle, which allows the sprayers to work efficiently.

Actuators which are the functioning part in IoT play a major role in agriculture and most of the agricultural equipment seek help from them for diverse purposes. In sprayers, the actuators control the angle and height of the nozzle which helps them to work properly. In spreaders they help in spreading of fertilizers and pesticides in right direction. They reduce the mechanical stress on combine harvesters and helps in making furrow lanes precisely by the seed drills.

Thus, the IoT devices in agricultures help farmers get reliable data and in a country like India with the shortage of agricultural labour in quarantine and various regulations it’s a need of the hour to be incorporated to reduce the loss of agricultural productivity.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon web Services (AWS) could also be a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to people, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis.

In combination, these cloud computing internet services provide a gaggle of primitive abstract technical infrastructure and distributed computing building blocks and tools.

one among these services is Amazon Elastic reckon Cloud (EC2), that permits users to possess at their disposal a virtual cluster of computers, accessible all the time, through the internet .

AWS’s version of virtual computers emulates most of the attributes of a true computer, in conjunction with hardware central process units (CPUs) and graphics process units (GPUs) for processing; local/RAM

memory; hard-disk/SSD storage;  alternative of OS ; networking; and pre-loaded application software like web servers, databases, and client relationship management (CRM).

Fees are supported a mixture of usage (known as a “Pay-as-you-go” model).

The hardware, software, software, or networking options chosen by the subscriber needed convenience, redundancy, security, and repair options.

Subscribers pays for one virtual AWS pc, a fanatical physical pc, or clusters of either.

As a half of the subscription agreement, Amazon provides security for subscribers’ systems.

Amazon markets AWS to subscribers as how of getting giant scale computing capability additional quickly ANd cheaply than building an actual physical server farm.

All services are billed supported usage, however every service measures usage in variable ways in which.

As of 2017, AWS owns a dominant thirty fourth of all cloud (IaaS, PaaS) while subsequent three competitors Microsoft, Google, and IBM have Martinmas, 8%, 6 June 1944 respectively

As of 2020, AWS comprises quite 212 services in conjunction with computing, storage, networking, database, analytics, application services, deployment, management, mobile, developer tools, and tools for the web of Things.

the foremost popular embrace Amazon Elastic reckon Cloud (EC2) and Amazon straightforward Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Most services aren’t exposed on to end users, however instead provide practicality through arthropod genus for developers to use in their applications.

Amazon internet Services’ offerings are accessed over HTTP, using the remainder style of architecture and SOAP protocol for older arthropod genus and completely JSON for newer ones.

AWS has distinct operations in twenty two geographical “regions”: one in North America, one in South America, in Europe, one within the Middle-East, one in Africa and eight in different parts of the world.

AWS has proclaimed three new regions which will be coming back on-line.

Each region is completely contained at intervals one country and each one of its information and services keep within the selected region.

every region has multiple “Availability Zones”, which contains one or additional separate information centers, every with redundant power, networking and property, housed in separate facilities.

convenience Zones don’t automatically give further measurability or redundancy within a neighborhood , since they’re intentionally isolated from one another to stop outages from spreading between Zones.

many services will operate across convenience Zones (e.g., S3, DynamoDB) whereas others are often configured to duplicate across Zones to unfold demand and avoid time period from failures.

As of Dec 2014, Amazon internet Services operated a calculable one.4 million servers across twenty eight convenience zones.

In straightforward words AWS permits you to try and to the subsequent things-

1. Running internet and application servers within the cloud to host dynamic websites.

2. firmly store all of your files on the cloud so you’ll access them from anyplace.

3. victimization managed databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server to store info.

4. Deliver static and dynamic files quickly round the world employing a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

* AWS customers will alter Spot Instances for AWS Marketplace Amazon Machine Image (AMI) product whereas launching new instances through the EC2 console Launch Instance Wizard (LIW).

With this launch, you’ll reduce prices on the EC2 instances you would like to run your third-party software system on AWS.

* Spot Instances alter you to request unused EC2 instances at steep discounts- up to ninetieth compared to On-Demand prices- so you’ll lower your Amazon EC2 prices.

Spot Instances are an economical choice if have flexibility with running your third-party applications and if your applications are fault-tolerant.

Customers—including Salesforce, Lyft, Zillow, Novartis and Autodesk—use Spot Instances to scale back costs and obtain faster results.

Forr instance , Salesforce saved over eightieth vs On-Demand Instance valuation, and doubled the speed of process machine learning and ETL workloads with Spot Instances.

Electric Vehicle

What are the needs of future transportation?
The future of transportation will thus focus on its decarbonization Cities will promote bicycling and electric mass transit systems at the expense of individual cars; climate change will disrupt current disrupters like Uber, since the proliferation of individual rides is too energy intensive and leads to intolerable. We can resurgence due to technological developments, and an increased focus on renewable energy.

What is an electric vehicle?  

An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that uses one or more electric motors or traction motors for propulsion. An electric vehicle may be powered through a collector system by electricity from off-vehicle sources, or may be self-contained with a battery, solar panels or an electric generator to convert fuel to electricity. EVs include, but are not limited to, road and rail vehicles, surface and underwater vessels, electric aircraft and electric spacecraft.

EVs first came into existence in the mid-19th century, when electricity was among the preferred methods for motor vehicle propulsion, providing a level of comfort and ease of operation that could not be achieved by the gasoline cars of the time. Modern internal combustion engines have been the dominant propulsion method for motor vehicles for almost 100 years, but electric power has remained commonplace in other vehicle types, such as trains and smaller vehicles of all types.

The Hyperloop This future mode of transportation is designed for longer haul transportation between cities, countries or even continents. The principle of the Hyperloop is based on the movement of people in capsules or pods that travel and high speeds though tubes over long distances.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

Also known as Extended-Range Electric Vehicles (EREVs), this type of EV is powered by both petrol and electricity.

PHEVs can recharge the battery through both regenerative braking and ‘plugging-in’ to an external electrical charging outlet. In EREVs the petrol engine extends the range of the car by also recharging the battery as it gets low.

They are expensive and hard to maintain
In the real world, PHEVs are expensive, their fuel economy on motorway journeys is not very good, they are complex to maintain, have raised concerns about their battery life, and their resale value is uncertain. To many buyers, plug-in hybrids cause anxiety and are considered to be relatively complicated. Charging a PHEV is also time-consuming. Just like smartphones have varying charger connectors, PHEVs have the same problem with charger connectors having style variations making it difficult for other PHEVs to charge on certain stations.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

HEVs are powered by both petrol and electricity. The electric energy is generated by the car’s own braking system to recharge the battery. This is called ‘regenerative braking’, a process where the electric motor helps to slow the vehicle and uses some of the energy normally converted to heat by the brakes.

HEVs start off using the electric motor, then the petrol engine cuts in as load or speed rises. The two motors are controlled by an internal computer which ensures the best economy for the driving conditions.

Regenerative Braking
An HEV cannot plug in to off-board sources of electricity to charge the battery. Instead, the vehicle uses regenerative braking and the internal combustion engine to charge. The vehicle captures energy normally lost during braking by using the electric motor as a generator and storing the captured energy in the battery.

The Honda Civic Hybrid and Toyota Camry Hybrid are both examples of HEVs.

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)

BEVs are fully electric vehicles, meaning they are only powered by electricity and do not have a petrol engine, fuel tank or exhaust pipe. BEVs are also known as ‘plug-in’ EVs as they use an external electrical charging outlet to charge the battery.

The electric-vehicle market made big gains in 2019, across multiple car manufacturers – and the industry has even bigger plans for the years to come.

Rivian, for example, closed out the year with an extra $1.3 billion in investments. Tesla turned a profit,debuted the Cybertruck, delivered the first Model 3s built in its Shanghai plant, and announced a boosted range on its Model S and Model X. On the luxury end of the spectrum, the Audi E-Tron went up for sale,Porsche started production on the laycan performance car,and Lamborghini announced its first hybrid super car.

Increasingly restrictive emissions and fuel-efficiency regulations around the globe – but not so much in the US – are compelling carmakers to roll out vehicles more able to fit within those restrictions. Accordingly, in recent years, manufacturers have advertised a whirlwind of plans and timelines for bringing more EVs to market.


5G is the fifth generation network in mobiles. It started with an intention to deliver higher multi – Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, large network capacity, increased availability and a uniform user.

It began deploying worldwide in 2019. It was successor to the 4G networks which are the connectivity provided for most current mobiles.

Just like its predecessors, 5G networks are also cellular, and the service area is divided into small geographical areas called cells. All 5g wireless devices in a cell are connected to Internet and telephone network in the form of radio waves through a local antenna in cells.

5G uses a system of cell site that divide their territory into sectors and send encoded data through radio waves. Every cell site must be connected to a network backbone which can be wired or wireless backhaul connection.

The biggest advantage of 5G is the presence of greater bandwidth which give higher download speeds eventually up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbits/s)

The increased bandwidth will not just serve cell phones like existing cellular networks but it can also be used as general internet source for laptops, desktop computers, competing with existing ISPs such as cable internet, and also will make new applications in Io T and M2M areas possible.

The increased speed is achieved partly by using higher-frequency radio waves than current cellular networks. But higher frequency waves have a shorter range than frequencies used by cell towers. So in order to ensure a wide reach of service, 5G uses operates on up to three frequency bands which are, low, medium and high.

5G is composed of 3 different types of cells where each requires different antennas, each type giving a different trade off of download speed vs distance and service area. The 5G phones and devices connect to the network through antenna that has highest speed within range of their location.

South Korea, China, and the United States are the countries that are leading the world in building and deploying 5G technology. Telecommunications operators around the world including AT&T Inc., KT Corp, and China Mobile, have been racing to build the fifth-generation (5G) of wireless technology.

2020 has been set as the target by the Central Government of India for the commercial launch of 5g wireless technology. A three – year program in March 2018 was launched by the government to promote research in 5G. Also, Ericsson has created a 5G test base at IIT Delhi for developing applications that are tailor-made for the Indian scenario.

Some of the benefits of 5G wireless technology are:

  • 5G will lead to acceptance of virtual reality or augmented reality or any such new technologies common. It will also advance our smartphones better with more uniform data rates , lower latency and cost –per- bit.
  • 5G will have the convenience of ultra-reliable, low latency links that will lead industries to invest in more projects which require remote control of critical infrastructure in various fields like medicine, aviation, etc.

The economic impact of 5G wireless technology will be huge and vivid. Technology is known for its effects on various domains of the world where the largest impact falls on the economy of the world. Like all other technologies, 5G will also have an impact on economy that cannot be ignored.

This impact is much greater than previous network generations. The development requirements of the new 5G network are also expanding beyond the traditional mobile networking players to industries such as the automotive industry.

 In a landmark study that was conducted on the 5G Economy by Qualcomm, it emerged that the full economic effect of 5G Wireless Technology would appear around 2035 in a broad range of industries which would produce up to 12.3 dollars trillion worth of goods and services that were directly enabled by 5G. It also emerged that the 5G Wireless Technology could potentially generate up to 3.5 dollars trillion in revenue in 2035 and also directly support up to 22million jobs. Also surprising is the fact that over time, the total contribution of 5G to the Global GDP growth could be as much as the contribution of India.

With every new generation of data network, there are always advantages and disadvantages to discuss. The question is how the network intends on capitalizing on its advantages while shielding its users from its deficiencies that will ultimately determine its success.

Moisture Sensor

Our ancestors gave more importance to agriculture and it was basically following all the traditional methods their forefathers followed. As the population increased the need for production was given more importance and the pressure on agriculture increased as the years followed. Green revolution in 1960’s lead to use of various methods which includes good quality seeds, better irrigation techniques, fertilizers and so on. Even then our country’s population never stopped decreasing so this is where the technological advancements started appearing in agriculture and what we see in many parts of the world is called modern agriculture. This incorporates scientific data and technology to increase the yield of the crop. This is considered to be a milestone in agriculture and some of them are monitoring irrigation methods via smartphones, ultrasounds for livestock, crop sensors, robots, drones and most of these technologies fall under ‘precision agriculture’. Some of the advantages of using agricultural technology is more crop yield, saving inputs like fertilizers, water, pesticides. It also reduces impact on natural ecosystems and reduced physical work for farmers.

Now let’s look into a specific technology called soil water sensors, by the name itself we can understand that it is some way related to water, since it is an Agricultural Tech we can say that it is related to detect the amount of water in soil. This Tech have been used by farmers for many years and the usage had been increasing as saving water is the need of the hour. It gauges the volumetric content of water in the soil. Water content can be measured by drying, eliminating and sample weighing but these sensors find the volumetric content by some other factors like dielectric constant, electrical resistance and so on. This sensor is compatible and can be easily embedded with Arduino UNO, Arduino mega 2560, Arduino ADK and many other various kinds of micro-controller.

Soil Moisture Sensor Circuit – Analog Mode

They have two probes which passes the current through the soil and gets the resistance value. If there is more water in the soil it conducts more electricity and will have less resistance and exactly opposite if there is less moisture in soil. Sensor can be conducted in two modes which are digital and analog mode. It contains a potentiometer which will have a threshold value and this value will be compared by the LM393 comparator. The output LED will light up based on the threshold value. It has three pines and thee one with 5 it means signal – means GND which is ground and + means SV supply. Sensor comes with a small PCB board with LM393 comparator chip, a potentiometer, output signal pins with both analog and digital and input power pins are also present on the PCB.

In analog mode, the analog output of the sensor is used in this method and the output value will mostly range from 0 – 1023. Moisture will be measured by percentage that is from 0 – 100 and these values will be observed in serial monitor. Different ranges can also be set for the moisture values and the water pump can be turned on and off accordingly.

In digital mode, digital output of the sensor will be connected to the digital pin of the micro-controller. Module of the sensor will have a potentiometer which will set the threshold value. Then this value is compared with output value of the sensor using the LM393 comparator which is present on the sensor module. This LM393 comparator plays a main role by comparing the threshold value and the sensor output value. If the sensor value is more than the threshold value, then the digital pin will show 5V and LED on the sensor will light up which means the moisture content is more in soil and if the sensor value is less than the threshold value, then the digital pin will show 0 V and the light will go down.

Some of the advantages of sensor are as follows; Irrigation is the key factor in agriculture and many of the farmers are not so sure about the enough amount of water required and is available in soil which will lead him to wither irrigate more which is over irrigation or irrigate less which will lead to death of the plant. This kind of sensors make automation of farming easier. It consumes less power and works at 5 V and even works on low current less than 20 mA and weighs only 3 grams.
Also have got few disadvantages like they cover only a small sensing area, depth of the deception is only 37 mm and it can’t be used in many parts of India because it works only in range of 10 C- 30 C. In many cases it was found to be less accurate.

Common problems faced by farmers mostly is sensor failure, lack of timely data, excessive labor requirements, wiring issues, lack of timely data and failure of data telemetry.